good love how hypocritical P.E.T.A. is

Haha if you had only tried that steak…

…you would have taken away 20 points for not nutting up and grilling it in the snow. Still delicious but I wished I had grilled it afterwards. As for the Genny Lite, eh it’s Genny Lite. It usually doesn’t even get a glass.

That reminds me, that was only 1/3 of the steak. I’m gonna go start soaking the other 2/3’s in worcester to break it down a little. Fucker was tough…

Anyhow, I’m all for the ethical treatment of animals but PETA seems to get a lot of attention for losing sight of their mission when they go to extremes. Makes me wonder if the whole organization is nut jobs or if it’s the same old “extremist minority gets a ton of media attention and now the whole group has a bad rap” type of thing. I really don’t know. :gotme: