now here's a real american ANNA BENSON


cliff, flip out on PETA, its about someone has some balls, even know anna benson is a wack

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This picture is the best thing in this thread…lol. The article was all right, the lady writing it sounded like a bit of a nutball herself, but I agree with her.

English 101

Personally… I LIKE ANIMALS…

I like to kill them…
I like to wear their skin…
I like to eat them…

PETA = People Eat Tasty Animals

People for the Eating of Tasty Animals

who care’s?


But on the other hand anna bennson is pretty damn hot.


I fucking hate PETA.

Groups like PETA make the left seem like fucking nutjobs. It’s the same effect that the 700 Club has on the right wing. Goddamned two-party system.

Charles barkley made some funy comments about PETA a few years back druing the haftime of a NBA game on TNT.

kenny charles & ernie :bigthumb:

what don’t you understand about that… go to sylvan learning center you fuckin retard

I must just not understand your little language and,

LMAO, you are fun to rip on! You get so pissed off, it’s amazing.

You need some :love:

Hell I didn’t get it either. Sylvan, must be money well spent:embarass: