Good machine shops?

Pat Spina himself is a alright, laid back person. I just didnt like the way they built engines and favored the race car engines over the reg. Joe Shmoe. I worked there for a summer, I got along with him while I worked there. I just cant believe how he told me, “ehh, shit happens” when I spun a bearing in a new engine. Oh well, his practices minght have changed in the last couple of years.
What I really liked about Jan Cen is, I got to talk to Mike J. himself about my setup. He was pretty interested in my setup. Talked to him for an hour or so. Told me he/they haven;t done a 3800 for what I wanted it done for. He was open to what I have researched from guys that have rebuilt these engines and the small things that are done different from engine to engine. When I initially started my engine and it had a rod knock, I called Mike and told me to bring it on up. I was embarrased for myself when I came up there and gave him a bit of frustrated attitude and he stayed calm and nice (didnt tell me to go fu(k myself) We came to an agreement of just charging me for the rings (I wanted to run a different kind that were a bit pricey-er). I was shocked and sold and will have him do all my short block from here on out. (if I do have a short block redone…since stockers are cheaper and hold up just the same. lol.