Good News Bad News

GN: skunk was my first customer for buying prints off me
BN: that order was in 2005 and i have received NO payment
GN: i never got them printed since there was no payment
BN: first and worst customer eVAR


GN I started redoing my kitchen yesterday
BN I have to have it done by christmas eve

GN christmas is here
BN I havent started my xmas shopping and i have to work anmd find time to do my kitchen

GN I have my dads 07 mountaineer as a winter beater
BN I spent 40 dollars worth of gas in 1 day.

GN: i masturbated before work this morning :tup:
BN: its 2:30 and i still smell like manjuice…

LOL :clap:

well done :tup:


GN i was really enjoying this thread
BN i just read your post

GN: i got up early, fired up the snowblower and cleared the driveway before it could get slushy
BN: i locked myself out of my apt
GN: i had the garage open so i could get to my car
BN: my car keys were upstairs as well
GN: my fiance works close
BN: cell phone also upstairs so i had to ride my bike to her work in the snow



BN: You apparently suck at the Internet too.

GN: the girl working upstairs is into me and she looks like a huge slut
BN: i have a gf
GN: i have no morals
BN: do i need a prescription for syphilis?

GN: I can work 60 hours this week if I want to
BN: I only did 10 out of those 60 today with 2 more to come
GN: I will make enough money to pay off all my Christmas shopping
BN: I don’t have enough for a locker, killer off road bumper, and winch for my jeep
GN: My jeep’s tank is full
BN: I just put $50 in it
GN: I had lots of baby making last night
BD: I stayed up until 1am and got up at 4am for work :frowning:


GN: I spent all night shoveling out the driveway and it is now “managable”
BN: Buffalo doesnt plow my street.

GN: Shoveled my driveway twice already yesterday
BN: have to shovel it again when i get home
GN: bought a “power shovel” so i don’t have to shovel it manually anymore
BN: it was $100 because im cheap apparently, and it probably sucks and will break.
GN: I saw a dude using it across the street yesterday and it was working well
BN: That was probably just a comparison to me busting my ass with a regular shovel.

new topic
GN: this thread is funny
BN: most people on nyspeed are not so only 10% of the posts in this thread are funny
GN: i made a joke just there
BN: I’m probably part of the 90%, and it sucked :frowning:

gn: i got a new position working for mcafee
bn: mcafee blows ass and this new position makes me want to kill myself :frowning:

GN: Work is almost over!
GN: Going home is gonna be awesome!
GN: Dinner is gonna taste so good
GN: Washing machine is fixed! No more coin laundry!


GN: i bought a bunch of wii’s to try and scam people out of mad loot
BN: nintendo is offering rainchecks for the system at reg. price

GN: My gf learned how to do splits today…
BN:My gf…v

GN: I got a Wii from amazon
BN: I can’t open it till Christmas

GN: I own a CTS-V
BN: It has summer tires and will not drive it till March?

GN: I got a winter car
BN: It’s a Taurus (and not one of those cool early 90’s yamaha engine ones)