Thanks for the support online… it almost feels like we have to hammer the knowledge into people and educate x 3.
To those who have that common, “My car isn’t ready excuse”, I have to agree with TheDecline. The best drivers and cars are the cars that are close to stock and can take lap after lap of brisk driving… learn where you can improve before you improve it, whether skills-wise or equipment-wise. You’ll never know if you have to upgrade from your viscous LSD to Clutch LSD if you never tried. (In all honesty, even open diff works!)
For example, I get guys like Vlad and Chris that come to EVERY DriftStar event… they roll in on stock cars (before!) and still burned rubber, had a lot of fun and represented the true spirit of it all. Do a search on YouTube and you’ll find their vids! Anyone else might’ve said that the cars they had were under-equipped… heck Vlad wears a snowmobile helmet! (of course, snell approved), but these guys represent to the fullest… where are all the kats that have SR20DET’s, Full Coilover Kits, buckets, and equipment to the tits? If drifting were based on how well prepared your car is, some of the guys we see should be professionals.
To those who make up obstacles for themselves, and say that Shannonville is too far, then I’m sorry, I wish I could bring a track closer to you that could compare right now. I can’t tell you not to come… so tough nuggies… suck it up!
A lot of time, I see it time and time again. Pay real close attention to what you see in magazines and even from peers…things tell you to buy every single part/gadget/squash air freshener/JDM fad out there and before you know it, you’ve spent your life on parts that you realize later you never really needed, or aren’t neccessary. Don’t feed the monkey-see-monkey-do machine of being a car-fashion-label-whore. Stick to the basics, and that’s all you’ll ever need…spend the rest on tires, food, and even a girlfriend!
Drift for Life! Adopt a sideways attitude and look at life from a different angle and you’ll find a different perspective. Drift was built on going against the grain…being different and not abiding by the same rules, then someone thought it’d be easy money to caplitalize on this new market, put rules into it and set standards. It’s the way it goes, but in the midst of all this, there will always be the ones that are the true drifters, the guys that live by rattlecans of paint, a welder, used tires, rehashed race parts that aren’t fit for competition and a passion for going fast.