Good News for drifting in Ontario

cayuga has a track that has not been open to public for 2 years now because of lame neighbours.

dunnville is closest but they really only have 1 or 2 fun corners to drift and it doesnt flow at all.

shannonville flows but its a day of highway driving for 8 hours and being on the track for 3… so thats a once in a year type of thing for me.

tracks also take a big toll on beginners cars which can scare people away.

i know its lame but i personally would like to see more cone dodge events so beginners have less to worry about and its also a lot easier to teach.
plus daily driving a car and tracking a car is hard if you hit shit like i do haha.

why can’t people rent out huge lots and do similar things like what people do for auto cross. but more drift orientated? a nice setup with cones at a huge lot (like sq1) would be very central for everyone imo. or is there an issue with noise level or something?

didn’t drift mania have shows like this in a parking lot? we should be able to do the same thing but for everyone to try out.


I’ll be there on the 4th but I wont even have a car. I’ll ride shotgun with anyone who wants some free instruction. Spinning out is normal, why do you think the pro’s have ziptied and duct taped bumpers??

Yes shannonville is far, but its the most fun you’ll ever have behind the wheel of a car. The drive is worth it, and its not like you’re driving up alone. The convoy of drift cars ripping down the 401 is pretty fun too!

be there!!!

or just continue to hard park at tim hortons if you want but theres no glory in that.

I was at the Dunnville Autodrome last night. They are doing a TON of work on the track, every 90* corner is being opened up inside and out.

The guy took me out for a lap in his p/u and explained all of the modifications that are currently underway. They sould be totally finished in 2-3 weeks, he said… rumble strips, better run-offs, etc.

I am sure that the track will flow better then, aside from the long straights, but you seemed to be manjiing them nicely when you had gas.

I personally can’t wait till the next Dunnville event.

I will be making the treck out to Shannonville a couple times this year too!

you’re an instructor now?

I might be able to get access to a de-commissioned air field much closer to the GTA… stay tuned, its not a track but can still have some fun, if some cones are put out.

we could drag race girls!

hahahaha just kidding dude… i had to!

but seriously that sounds like loads of fun, id be up for helping organize just let me know if you do get it

you should have taken pics with your camera theo.
the manji in the straights was more of a fuck around thing… it looks gay because its so narrow and speeds are only 80km and its only second gear… helps the driver learn a lot though… even though it looks gay doing it over and over it teaches you a lot about how the car will react at different speeds

haha dude there is no way you were sway drifting at 80km/h

more like 50

tires might have been spinning at 80 but you were going slowwwwww

i was following you at like 4000rpm in second

but it was impressive, and i do agree you learn a lot



I dont think so Ty…

obviously more people come to bings events because its a lot easier to stand by your car and eat good chinese food than actually hit the track and rip’er. clearly son is 95% e-drifters. and dont tell me your car isnt ready for the track. if you are driving it, its ready. if seen bone stock s13s,s14s and ae86s ripping the track and doing decently well. and the cost isnt really that much if you put it into perspective. for me its like the difference between packing a lunch each day vs. buying it. not too hard.

obviously more people come to bings events because its a lot easier to stand by your car and eat good chinese food than actually hit the track and rip’er. clearly son is 95% e-drifters. and dont tell me your car isnt ready for the track. if you are driving it, its ready. if seen bone stock s13s,s14s and ae86s ripping the track and doing decently well. and the cost isnt really that much if you put it into perspective. for me its like the difference between packing a lunch each day vs. buying it. not too hard.[/quote]

i’m still on stands.

watch out everyone, the e-drifters are coming to get you.

oh shit run the fcuk away

Thanks for the support online… it almost feels like we have to hammer the knowledge into people and educate x 3.

To those who have that common, “My car isn’t ready excuse”, I have to agree with TheDecline. The best drivers and cars are the cars that are close to stock and can take lap after lap of brisk driving… learn where you can improve before you improve it, whether skills-wise or equipment-wise. You’ll never know if you have to upgrade from your viscous LSD to Clutch LSD if you never tried. (In all honesty, even open diff works!)

For example, I get guys like Vlad and Chris that come to EVERY DriftStar event… they roll in on stock cars (before!) and still burned rubber, had a lot of fun and represented the true spirit of it all. Do a search on YouTube and you’ll find their vids! Anyone else might’ve said that the cars they had were under-equipped… heck Vlad wears a snowmobile helmet! (of course, snell approved), but these guys represent to the fullest… where are all the kats that have SR20DET’s, Full Coilover Kits, buckets, and equipment to the tits? If drifting were based on how well prepared your car is, some of the guys we see should be professionals.

To those who make up obstacles for themselves, and say that Shannonville is too far, then I’m sorry, I wish I could bring a track closer to you that could compare right now. I can’t tell you not to come… so tough nuggies… suck it up!


A lot of time, I see it time and time again. Pay real close attention to what you see in magazines and even from peers…things tell you to buy every single part/gadget/squash air freshener/JDM fad out there and before you know it, you’ve spent your life on parts that you realize later you never really needed, or aren’t neccessary. Don’t feed the monkey-see-monkey-do machine of being a car-fashion-label-whore. Stick to the basics, and that’s all you’ll ever need…spend the rest on tires, food, and even a girlfriend!

Drift for Life! Adopt a sideways attitude and look at life from a different angle and you’ll find a different perspective. Drift was built on going against the grain…being different and not abiding by the same rules, then someone thought it’d be easy money to caplitalize on this new market, put rules into it and set standards. It’s the way it goes, but in the midst of all this, there will always be the ones that are the true drifters, the guys that live by rattlecans of paint, a welder, used tires, rehashed race parts that aren’t fit for competition and a passion for going fast.

jovers events are the best, honestly if it wasnt for him i’d probably never learn to drift, me and chris decided that we’ll attend as many of his events as possible hence theres nothing like them around, you never wait in line, you never feel like your wasting time, its always been fun, we started with really ghetto setups, i bouhgt my car with cut springs and thats all it had, chris rocked full stock, i had a ka24e wiht 260000km on it, heres a vid of one of our first track days when we were noobs, all we really had wsa vlsd

gonna suck at first this year, got sr gotta relearn, but it’ll get better as everyone says

Haha, you should be in sales Jover… See you at the next event!

Not that this changed my mind, but if I hadn’t ever been out there, it would have.

Thanks for the good word, Jover! Vlad isn’t kidding, we’d be hardparkers if it wasn’t for your events; or at least, I would, lol.

Oh, and Theo, don’t forget the energy suspension bushing kit on june 4th! haha. Man you’ve been holding that for me for at least 6 months by now, sorry dude!

No problem man, I have it sitting right here by the front door! :slight_smile:

See yah then!

dont worry bob theres only one wall at shannonville, you should be fine.