Good News for drifting in Ontario

for some it may be an excuse, if i could drive the car i’d be at all these events, as it stands, i dont even know if the friggin thing will run for bings meet. Belive me, if my shit hadnt broken in september, i would be driving a stock car right now. I dont live with the car from september to june, kinda hard to fix it.

Nuff said! :bigok:

if only we could combine drift days with my meet…lol

there is a track that is going to be built in Niagara Falls in the next few years…hmmm

yeah, and free track days for me bitches

dont worry bob theres only one wall at shannonville, you should be fine.[/quote]

Dont worry Ty, you never tracked your car…

Only time i tracked my car was when it went missing.

dont worry bob theres only one wall at shannonville, you should be fine.[/quote]

Dont worry Ty, you never tracked your car…[/quote]

Nah, he was out at a driftstar event last year. You must be thinking of someone from Team Mischief.

ed you missed the joke.

tys old for sale thread CLEARLY said the car was never tracked.


the “otherwise” has been proven.


dont worry bob theres only one wall at shannonville, you should be fine.[/quote]

Dont worry Ty, you never tracked your car…[/quote]

Nah, he was out at a driftstar event last year. You must be thinking of someone from Team Mischief.

You missed the point

edit: Greg :o Not only did the thread say he never tracked it… he had all references to tracking the car deleted.

dont worry bob theres only one wall at shannonville, you should be fine.[/quote]

Dont worry Ty, you never tracked your car…[/quote]

Nah, he was out at a driftstar event last year. You must be thinking of someone from Team Mischief.

You missed the point

edit: Greg :o Not only did the thread say he never tracked it… he had all references to tracking the car deleted.[/quote]

lol well i guess its not like that anymore is it… LOL

ya he posted “its never been driven hard” and then right after saying that he posted a pic of it at the track. i caught it and told him, then deleted his statement as long with the pic. but it doesn’t matter, its sold now.

If it was sold to someone on the boards then still it does matter, doesn’t it.

I believe it was sold to grimace…

Ed way over your head :slight_smile:

My bad, I can’t help taking pot shots at TM any chance I get.

i apologize, i didn’t know it was sold to someone on the boards.

LOL, this is amusing, but please keep the thread clean.

Besides, I think Ty’s old car that was sold to Grimace is still a mint Kouki S14, it only hit the track once.

twice, actually. And grimace was well aware as I told him that when he first came to test drive the car.

thanks for backing me up Ed yah.

back on topic now boys

bad news for drifting for me. got my soccer schedual today well was told it. and i havea game every sunday at 3pm. So please Jover get a saturday day.

bad news for drifting for me. got my soccer schedual today well was told it. and i havea game every sunday at 3pm. So please Jover get a saturday day.

MY SR WONT RUN RICH I WANT TO GO TO TRACK :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: