Good Radar Detector

Reputable Ebay sellers or forums, craigslist works as well.

Always ask for the version of the detector of have them give a serial number to it.

Make sure that if you’re paying full price you’re getting the newest version, or if it’s an older one it should be respectively cheaper.

You can type in the serial number on V1 website and they will tell you which version it is for free, and if it’s older, how much the upgrade would cost.

It doesn’t matter if the radar is detectable by the police, they are legal in NY. The only problem with windshield mounted ones, is that a police officer will be severely less likely to let you off if they see a detector or suction cup traces on the windshield (if you tried being sneaky and took it off before he got to the window), I’ve talked with many cops and that is the general consensus between them.

However if you have a quality detector

  1. Odds are you won’t have to worry about being pulled over for speeding
  2. You can get a remote indicator which will allow you to hide you detector by the roof liner. This will do two things, one it will help deter theft, because it won’t be visible. Two it won’t be visible to officers either.

Good luck!