Good read....

Quite possibly one of the best articles I’ve read on there.

reading causes cancer…

:dunno: what was so good about it?

Truth… :rofl:

Yeah, why not?

Also, the objective answer to the question #1.

zoning, while annoying at times, is a good idea otherwise ppl would have methadone clinics next to schools, next to the ford plant, next to the hood, next to a mansion that would have high fences and armed guards shooting minorities who walked by.

You say that like its a bad thing…:shaggy:

fucking capitalists.

zoning exists for good reason. i don’t need a fucking section 8 highrise next to my suburban home.

He fails to take into account 3rd parties, which typically happens with guys with “Ph.D” at the end of their names. To them its all about theory, and very little about reality.

I have an uncle with a Ph.D in Marketing, and teaches at a very successful and high ranking instution. He makes well over 200k a year. I also have an uncle who owns a moving and storage business. He barely graduated high school because he did not like the structure.

Take the two of them, and allow them to open a business in which they both have rudimentary knowledge, and the uncle that owns the business will destroy the uncle with the Ph.D. Why? Because the real world is nothing like the “theory” in books. Theory is great to base rational and logical arguments upon, and as a basis to real world problems, but when theory trys to stand on its own two legs, it doesn’t stay upright for very long.

That guy might be a retard. None of his points are valid. basically he wants to tax the shit out of gas because he doesn’t like breathing in exhaust. Whoopty f**kin doo, I don’t like riding with other people, its called freedom of choice.

Do this.

Put a section 8 housing project next to him home, open a coke plant next to his local 7-11, and 7-11 will charge 11.50 for gas, and hire nothing but immigrant workers, and I bet he’ll change his mind. He spent so much time in the U.S.S.R in the 80’s he needs to go the hell back where he fits in.


If you could make any of that shit work economically, I’d be ok with it. The fact is, nice houses sell in nice areas, because it all works together. Now some asshat could try to put an adult bookstore in a housing development if there was no zoning, but a whole lot of pissed off neighbors isn’t the best way to start a business, so most of that wouldn’t happen. I have a solution for the section 8 issue… stop giving away housing to low-life slackers.

Decent article, but I’m not as enthused as you Justin.

I don’t agree with everything that he says, that’s for sure. But at least he gives point/counterpoint and he makes points and defends them. Whether he’s “right” or “wrong”, so much of the commentary on there is authoritarian in nature (or just straight news) and not “reasoned out” and that’s why I liked it, mainly.

I just want people to use their noggins, that’s all. I found it thought provoking, whether I agreed or not with a particular statement…and hoped some of you would too.

Here’s my quick take:

  1. Zoning (and Eminent Domain) is rife with abuse and kickbacks. Plunking down Section 8 apartments next to my house would make me want to move and sue the hell out of someone. Preventing that kind of situation is an acceptable use of zoning. Abuse is when a person of influence makes zoning fit their own personal agenda and uses money/favors to get it.

  2. Legalization/Decriminalization of substances CAN work: we waste so much money on enforcement against non-violent criminals exercising their right to treat their body their own way without harming others. When there is a dangerous situation, enact sensible laws to curtail the activity, not blanket laws making the activity verboten and crimes not fitting punishment.

  3. I find it humorously accurate the way he portrays speaking to a group of conservatives about free markets and their support of it except when it is used for something morally reprensible to them.

  4. “Carbon Tax” is stupid. Just what we need, more “use” tax to get to work and do our jobs?


Here’s my quick take:

  1. Zoning (and Eminent Domain) is rife with abuse and kickbacks. Plunking down Section 8 apartments next to my house would make me want to move and sue the hell out of someone. Preventing that kind of situation is an acceptable use of zoning. Abuse is when a person of influence makes zoning fit their own personal agenda and uses money/favors to get it.


Heres is my problem with the Zoning, If I pay someone enough, I can start a junkyard on mu property, that I pay taxes on, that is zone Ag. But as long as I’m not paying someone that is alreasdy overpaid, I can;t even keep my project car outside, because it doesn’t have a plate and sticker on it.

It just all gotten out of hand to the point that it is pure :bsflag: