Can you please point out to me where I said anything that would be indicative of me hating the United States? I have serious issues with our government. Our government is NOT the United States! Its just a bunch of pricks we elected to lead it for the time being. The US is much more than its government.
Also answer why you would never join the military?
I’ve never said I wouldn’t join the military. If there were a war that was worth fighting in, I’d be the first one in line to sign up.
If you don’t like how things are, if you dont like nationalism (pride in your country) then get the fuck out no one is keeping you here, go to Russia and let us know how much better it is.
thanks for explaining to me what nationalism is. Now I’ll explain to you what BLIND nationalism is, since thats what I actually said. Blind nationalism is belief that your government can do no wrong, and believing no matter what your government tells you. I have pride in my country, however it’s not unpatriotic to realize that this IS NOT the perfect country, and its probably not even the BEST country in the world. I find it more patriotic to recognize our faults and weaknesses and try to eliminate them rather than to dismiss them as unfounded.
This is the greatest fucking country on the face of the earth and all you do is bash it and talk about how bad things are.
It’s not my fault things are so bad. But your idea of just ignoring it and not talking about it sure to make things better.
Could you please shut the fuck up and when you have the balls to stand up for something come back, until then dont bring your bull shit in here and disrespect the very people that signed the line raised there hand so you can sit in your 600k house in florida and express your feelings like you do because of a little something called the constition and your “rights”, last time I checked when you join the military you swear to defend and uphold the constitution nothing else, not any individual, this great country as a whole!
You make me sick!
i live in MD in a rented condo. but I’d be interested to hear how exactly the troops in Iraq are upholding the constitution. And I’m happy to hear that I make you sick. Ignorance generated physical illnesses are my favorite kind.