How long after the houses get listed with an MLS number do they show up on buffaloniagarahomes?
The reason I ask is that 5 years ago it was a considerable amount of time. I was wondering why every house I called about, on the first day it showed up online, was already sold or had offers. Then I got a buyer’s agent and found out she was finding out about the houses almost a week before anyone in the public could find them online. Since most of the houses I was looking at would sell in 2-4 days I never would have got my place trying to find it on my own. She called me Friday at 6pm to say it was just listed and from the write up matched what we were looking for so my wife and I drove by it at 7pm. We immediately called her and said we had to get in to see it first thing Saturday and we did at 10am. By 1pm we had our offer in which canceled the open house on Sunday.
I don’t know if the houses you’re looking at are still selling that fast but it’s something to keep in mind if you start calling and keep finding they’re already sold or have offers.