Good starter bikes?

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anything about $2500 or less will be a good starter bike. no need for a fuel injected bike.

If you buy a bike in that price range and ride it for a year you usually can sell it for about the same price the following year when you are ready to upgrade.

any experience on dirtbikes/quads?

i’m selling my '87 honda hurricane 600 cbr. it was the bike i learned on for 2 years before buying a new one. great starter bike.

well since there are responses ill keep with it. I posted this without reading the whole starter thread. I dont want a 600 right away, but i want something bigger than a 250. maybe something around the 500 range?

Kawasaki Ninja EX500
Suzuki Katana 600
Honda CBR 600 F1, F2, F3
Yamaha FZR 600
Buell Blast
Suzuki GS500

I saw those in the starter thread and Im going to start looking into them. How hard are the bikes to get used to as far as shifting and knowing where everything is? (brakes, gears, where to rest your feet, turn signals, etc)

not knowing anything about riding bikes really…how easy is it to lift the wheel on any of the above bikes, that is something I am definitely not ready for, I think Ide like a bike that can do it, but not too easily.

it depends on your previous experience (again, any dirt bike/quad experience?).

all of the bikes will all be roughly the same though.

if you can manage a manual trans car, you can do a bike. if you want to check out a cbr 600 f1, let me know.

very little, ive ridden both, but never owned one, just friends rides. I have the most experience with snowmobiles, but they did not require shifting.

also fwiw, ide like something I can learn to work on/mod them as well. Idk if some bikes are easier than others to work on?

i can but it seems a little different. I sat on an CBR600RR just to try to get used to the shifting its definitely different shifting it with your feet than shifting with your hand.

you pick it up real fast. just ride within your limits.

don’t feel pressured to ride outside of your comfort zone.


(threads dont get deleted btw)

most of the questions in my original post were covered by the beginner sticky in this forum.

Kawasaki Ninja EX500
Suzuki Katana 600
Honda CBR 600 F1, F2, F3
Yamaha FZR 600
Buell Blast
Suzuki GS500

of these I think I like how the Ninjas look best. slow civic do you have any pictures of your bike your trying to sell? I will need time though because I dont even have a permit yet, and I will have to sell my Camaro first.

MSF. take it… you will benefit greatly from it, then from there start looking for a bike. Have somebody who is knowledgeable go with you.

good luck

what is MSF the class? I am signing up for one at my local college (MCC has a course I hear is great) but the waiting list is big. Apparently if I sign up now, I will take the course next year.

yea, definitely take someone with you when you buy your bike. I wish I had. probably could have saved $500 or so

Thats the one… .net or something.

the first bike in that thread. i’ve cleaned it up since then. i just don’t have new pics. it has good tires and is ready to ride. it could use a new chain but i rode it as is until i got the new bike. it would be cheap if you want it.