Beginner Bike ?

Hey I am looking for a good bike for a beginner …I am 26 and never really drove a bike before can anyone give me any info or anything on a good starter bike ??? I have heard suzuki katana 600s are good …any info would be appreciated thanks

I took one of those classes in June (the first time riding a bike) and learned on 125cc’s. I bought a Kawasaki Vulcan 600 & its been a really good starter bike for me. Next year I will prob be upgrading to the 800 -1000cc range or just go all out and get a street bike.
If you go any smaller than a 600 I think you will have a hard time power wise getting it too move. It all depends on how your ass fits in the seat and what you are comfortable with. Some other bikes I looked at that are nice looking - Honda Shadow & Suzuki replaced the savage with I believe the S55. Hope that helps :slight_smile:

learn on a small and slower ride. take your time

Yeah start on like a ZX-12R :smiley:

I know some other nut job who did that :dunno:


yea not everyone is as great as that person

shit i guess i should of went that route instead of the 50cc all the way up to 1k. hell im not even a man enough to ride a 1200 lol

oh btw ^^^^^^^^ him and me are just joking about the big bike. i did start small now ride a 160hp bike and with 10400 on the odometer im still getting used to this bike. i got close to 20k in riding also and the 1k was bought new

gsxr600, isn’t bad for a beginner

well if you mean a 01 to later yes its a bad bike to start on. especially a 04 or 05 model. just to much power for a newb. but to each their own. but just for records go to the local boneyard and see how many new bikes are there. also go on a few bike sites and see how many newbs go down on a bike they cant handle. ppl try to ride past their potential and when they do that they get hurt.

every rider is different. I’ve seen people wreck ninja 250’s right off the bat, and then I’ve seen people hop right on R1’s, and do fine… it’s all in the rider, and theyre learning curve

me personally… I think starting out on a new bike is dumb… but if you had to start out on a new bike, I’d still say gsxr600

Hey man I started on a 50cc, then a 250 both dirt :smiley: then I went to my 49cc pocket bike :rofl:

Are you saying my zx12r was not the logical step.

PS - I missed my 1000 mile goal yesterday by 150 miles :sadwavey: I was just too tired and had to much to do that I had been neglecting…lol

But Quik is right if you have never rode a bike before or worked any kind of clutch (IMO) you should probably start small. I bought my 12r for my first bike due to other circumstances but I’m doing well and I’m how do you say “comfortable yet respect” the bike. The first week I had it I was very nervous with it being practically brand new (only 2700 miles) and being my first bike.

I still firmly believe its all in what you feel you can handle. No one knows you better than you. People said I was nuts, I was going to kill myself, and so forth. So far a little less than a month ( 6 days short as of today) into it and 850 miles later I’m still here. I also know my limits. I have had the bike up to 115 a couple times and then backed off. I have a lot of self control when it comes to the throttle because I want to see tomarrow and I know I don’t have the years of experience to push it up too many notches.

Last year I almost bought a 600 but the bank loan fell though and I had other things come up with my house. I think about it now and I’m glad I got my bike because I would have looked like a circus bear on it and would have not been happy.

I sold a car I built for show (enter jovial riticule here) and had a decent amount of cash. I have always been looking and reading but you really have to go to a dealer and start sitting. I Went from wanting to buy a 600, to a 1000, and then to a Busa over the past year. What finally determined it was sitting on the bikes and then of course how much money I had to walk away with no payments.

Now I sat on a couple different 1000’s and I did not like them due to in some instances the overly agressive lean over the tank and the seat height had me at a tip toe with both feet (yes I could lean and flat foot one side) and I didn’t want that. The 600 just felt small and when I thought about it eventually my wife will be cruising around with me when we go away, I didn’t feel it would be a good option (again thats for me). I then sat on an 05 Busa, 05 ZZR1200 and the bike I currently Own a ZX-12R. All three were comfortable for me due to the slightly less agressive riding position and I can flat foot them.

I had them hold an 05 busa for me till I could sell my car and see what I got, well I had to drop my price some for my car so I went with the ZX-12 and walked away with extra cash in my pocket.

I had a lot of people tell me start small, but to me I had the money and I didn’t want to screw around with depriciating values when trying to sell the smaller bikes if I went that route. So I jumped feet first into a big bike to get close to what I wanted to begin with (Oh yes I will have a busa in the next few years :smiley: )

I know it was a long pointless story :smiley: but hopfully it will give you somthing else to think about since I’m almost 26 and was in a almost similar situation as it seems you are with experience.

Like Quik said, the most important thing is to take your time. I had told these guys before if I felt I had gotten in over my head I would garage the 12r for the season then get a smaller bike to learn on next season. No thoughts of doing that now and more than likly I won’t need to.

Couple other things that were told to me to keep in mind one noob to another…

  1. As stated take your time. Only thing you get by pushing your limits before you are ready is hurt.
  2. Take the saftey class. I have mine the first two weeks of september. I think they still have october classes but the registartion hasn’t opened up for them yet. You can go to to look for classes.
  3. If you ride with a bunch of guys and they are riding faster, Don;t try to keep up if they are riding beyond your limits. If they are worth riding with, they will wait for you at the next stop.
  4. WEAR YOUR GEAR! :smiley:

seems like this guy^^^^^^^^has his head on straight. a good group of ppl wont leave you. you may not see us but at the next stop sign/redlight/intersection youll see us. or if we get to far ahead ill slow down to see where the tail rider is. as long as you dont think you can go out and hang with ppl with thousands and thousands of miles riding experience youll be fine. once you hit the 5k mark youll start to feel a little better. once you hit 10k youll wake up and realize you dont know crap yet about riding and this is the mark that will allow you to become a better rider. i know plenty of riders that been riding for years but havent even totalled 10k yet. these guys claim they are good and etc, experience shows everytime. also its not hte bike that makes someoen fast its the rider a bike just helps. i can be just as fast on a 600rr in the twisties as i am on my 1kRR. hell with the right suspension and good tires on a ex250 ill still be quick in the twisties. this just going by the amount of experience ive gained over the years. so whatever you do be wise about it. yes you may of heard or seen some clips of me or etc with just a helmet and gloves thats the minimum i wear. but i usually wear my helmet,gloves, steel toe boots and my jackets. gear is a must unless you want a wire brush to scraped the ashphalt out of your skin. and yes they use a wire brush

I said it once, I’ll say it again… it’s all in the rider

whats right for some riders may not be right for you

anyone know of a good place to look for a bike ? semi cheap with nice bikes

i know of a 250 rebel for sale. i think its listed as 1400 bucks. its a mini cruiser

and what you say means absolutely nothing. go fake another death

i think I might need somethin a lil bigger Im a big dude …6-2,240 …

thats to much!

fuck off faggot., go have daddy buy you another bike

I just got a 2005 Honda CBR600 F4i
I’ll be takin it out with me to Arizona, for right now it’s sittin in
my friends garage till i’m ready to show my parents haha :embarassd

My friend who has been riding his whole life, dirtbikes, sport bikes
etc, start out on a 600, it’s probably the best starter bike

good luck man! be safe, wear a helmet.

yea I plan on getting a full face helmet and everything

not mine just a bike on the corner ive seen so :finger: