good to know the VP made 2mil this year

Cheney’s income included his government salary of $212, 208

only 10% of it came from being VP looks like his wife made more then he did


those are simply the taxes earned in his name. It obviously does not represent the hundreds of millions of dollars in profits earned by companies that the bush family has siginficant interest in.

besides, i highly doubt the white house pays property taxes and i bet he doesnt have to pay for a single meal, hydro bill, limo ride, security escort etc… and he probably gets a free cell phone too… damnit… well… i get that too

Even if it was all from the government, who cares? It may seem like a lot but there are 260 million people, roughly, in this country. If we fired him and cut everyone a one-time yearly check, everyone would get a whopping 3/4 of a cent. Throw off the hats and tip one back! We’re rich!

gotta be good for a sexual favor somewhere

x2 this dude makes tons of money.

Bush earned $719,000 in 2007

and spent 700 million.

since Billary left office they made over $100,000,000…thats alot for someone who has a government job dont ya say?

Breaking News-> Rich People Dictate Policy In The USA :bloated:

a day