Google Music Question

So Google music looks pretty impressive and I want to give it a try. Does anyone know how the use of “acquired” music works legally on something like this?

Example: A “friend” of mine gets google music and he has 1,000 songs that he uploads. All of this music was obtained through torrents. Is there any reason to be concerned?

I am thinking if you do this you are putting “illegal” content onto someone else’s server. That seems fishy to me.


all my music I uploaded was downloaded through torrents so no worries

I uploaded all of mine as well.

Ditto. Haven’t gone to jail yet.

However I think their servers are swamped now that it’s gone public. I can’t stream music today. It’s all choppy like it’s got next to no bandwidth.

I honestly regret uploading it all there. If I’m gonna stream, I’d rather just use Spotify. I just wish they would make a thick client that does a better job at managing the songs on my phone rather than copy/paste all songs. Would like that thick client to also be able to easily edit the song data. Oh well, google just wants more people on their website so they can display ads and gather data.

Hmm interesting, Thanks for the feedback

Yeah I’ve heard you’re all about the thick clients. Or was it thick members?..

doesn’t matter, I’m down with all thickness