Google Nexus 7

This thing is pretty awesome. I picked it up at Best Buy and is the new 7" 32GB model. Never was an android fan but they finally got it right. Didn’t want another cell phone bill so grabbed the non LTE but screen is great and does exactly what I need. No SD card but I never store much on my devices anyways. With games, music and movies, I am less than 10GB.

I am not sure if there is a point to root it but I am looking forward to Ubuntu to getting ported over so I can use it more as a development platform when I am on the road and not with my MacBook

I have had one for a while its just another tablet…I ended up switching it for the iPad mini.

Why would you want to develop on that tiny screen? Buy a refurb macbook air sub $1000 keep it in a backpack and done.

I think i would miss the Apple integration…I’m full on fanboi status now…

I just don’t understand how you develop on something with out an actual keyboard.

there really isnt a need to root anymore, the only reason I root is so that I can view my databases on the device when I am developing

I carry it around to concept and prototype web sites and apps. Most of the changes are something functional by editing a file on the device or to modify something. Most of my real work is done on my 13" MBPro Retina

I do have a blue tooth keyboard I can pair to it if needed. Mostly modifications but like the fact I can run apps on the OS and have a bit more openness than having to deal with apple only apps.

Apple only?

I run all the apps I run on Linux on OSX


In the end its whatever works for you :tup: I just figured a 11 inch air would be easier

I think he meant compared to an iPad?