google voice

anyone got an invite?

I don’t have an invite yet, but have had my GV number for a couple weeks now. Is anyone else using this? I’m running an iPhone at the moment so haven’t merged the voicemail feature with my direct number, but I’m going to start giving out my GV# to business contacts and people I don’t want to have my direct #

I love this app… I will see if I have an invite.

someone must have given my GV # out as a fake number and now I keep getting calls for some random person about life insurance…fml

BUMP I just discovered this tonight and it is what i have been looking for to use for work!!! I needed a number that I could give out to business contacts that still reached me away from my desk. This will send it to me in the form of a txt. Will be using starting tomorrow to see how I like it. I like the ability to turn it off too. (my gf will love me so much more)

I allways make sure to keep a few GV numbers handy for random things like CL and whatnot. Its like a free prepaid phone, but you don’t even need to find a garbage can to toss it in once you’re done with it.

Haha at the end of last year I was getting a bunch of texts and calls on my GV number for payday loans and life insurance.