GrandCentral / GoogleVoice

So, who is using it?

After having a GC # for years (now a GV number) I really started playing around with the idea of using it for business. Forwarding my deskphone is too messy (involved director approval, can’t turn it off, etc.) and this would get me another step away from needing to be at my desk.

After playing around with the settings today, I think I have everything set. Voicemail greeting, do not ring times, caller id display, etc.

Who is actually using this service? Any quality concerns? Glitches? issues?

I use it for my web hosting and development business. Works awesome and has a lot of features. I also like the ability to call from your google voice number so i dont have to expose my cell number or another phone I am on to someone.

Yea, that makes me happy too.

Hows the voicemail transcript work? Pretty good?

invite me. joex1 at aol dot com if you need an email

Never really used that feature to be honest. If some people leave me a basic message, its pretty good but when people get into server names or user names when they call, it gets pretty funny. I just get the SMS text to notify me and use the iPhone app to connect back into it and hear the audio message.

Some of my favorite things are call switch so you can move to a different phone and call record for storing some conversations.

It really is just a take of Avaya’s EC500 feature on their PBX systems which I have at my desk at work so its pretty fluid for me to use this feature.

The voicemail transcript works fine, I just prefer to hear the recording sometimes…

I’m using Voice in a little different way than most people.

I picked out a Phoenix area code, with a Scottsdale exchange…

I put that number on my resume when applying for jobs in that area, and I forward it to my cell phone.

It has generated more calls from prospective employers. I believe that with a 716 area code on there, they throw the resume in the trash…

Also, I have a service called Gizmo5. That in combination with google voice, lets you make unlimited phone calls for free. It comes up on caller id as my google voice number.

I use this a lot when I run too close on my cell phone minutes.

Isnt that the same as using the google voice number? Whats the deal with gizmo?

no invites :frowning:

It was the GrandCentral work around so call out with your GC number. GoogleVoice added the ability to call out from your number and its free.

Side note, anyone remember AIM Phoneline? That was cool but just died. People apparently didn’t like the requirement that you must have AOL installed and only can be used by one person at once.

ahh, so it’s no longer needed.

Hmm… I wonder how they will incorporate this for android. I love the idea though. The google total world takeover continues!!!

Nope. From what I remember, you need to pay for Gizmo5 too for calls similar to SkypeOut. GoogleVoice is free to call anywhere.

I am sure that it will be the same as the iPhone. You will have an app that connects to googlevoice and gives you the notifications and ability to call out with a dial pad and call your contacts from the phone book. The idea of having it go over the data network and not actually call your cellphone number will only be limited by the carrier which I bet not many will go for.

Run a google search, there are a few technical things to do with the two programs to make them work. you have to plug in a SIP number…

The way it works is that google voice lets you dial out anywhere, and it connects you to any number, but doesn’t let you make calls.

Gizmo lets you answer incoming calls for free.

You basically put them both together, to get free calls.

I use a 7 dollar plastic usb fake telephone from walmart. It works excellent.

Are you talking about a solution that doesn’t use minutes? I don’t really care, I’ve got more minutes than I know what to do with.


Lol, TMO is a whore to their customers and google.

Yeah its like skypeout, only its free.

I just received my invite today and set up my number and voice mail. I am in the process of checking out all the services, looks pretty sweet so far.

I pay for onebox… it sounds like they have a bunch of similar features…

very nice to have the ability to take calls during business hours on your cell but without a headache stop the phone from ringing when you’re not working…

transcripts of voicemails have always been close enough to get a good idea/ who was calling and what they wanted…

Wow, i just got my invite and set up my account. My work JUST blocked google voice. poop.

LOL. Nice. Just got my invite today too, sadly all the numbers sucked… lol

im invited as well.