Gossip about non-members here

I realized that non-members can’t see this forum, but they can see the name of the thread with the latest post.
So if we keep posting funny vids, and bumping this thread, people will think we’re talking shit about them :smiley:
I’m gonna start it off with some really good standup I saw on g35driver:
Katt Williams:

Ummmmm… This can’t be right?.. right?.. I mean this guy can’t be serious? Who buys this stuff?.. other then Solarian and possibly Benson who would actually spend money on stuff like this?


Monkey farts? …WTF?

I mean… I could see people spending money to smell one of my farts but a monkey fart? WTF?

Hahaha, baller, I’d actually buy that just for the hell of it.