I’d rock it
That’s pretty sweet. I’d totally rock it.
cafe racers are all about building them yourself. The kit looks cool, and for someone without the mechanical ability to do this themselves they would probably love this kit. But for half that price you could build something yourself, be origional and not get called a poser for buying a cafe kit
most people buying HD are posers anyway…
i hate whe someone buys a bike . then oputs in garage or shed and never touches it again. just to say i have a harley. they fail to say but i never ride it. i know a guy that bought a dyna convertible in 97. still sits in his yard under a cover second cover. first cover ripped and such from weather.
back on subject. that sporty does look sweet.
Harleys are not only for slacks, boat shoes and polos. lol I cant WAIT for the hipsters to start buying them next. That will be the day.
I resent that statement, I bet my Harley has more miles than anybody’s bike on here.
As long as you dont ride it with Kakai’s and flip flops, we are still good.
Jeans, boots and a leather jacket, during the summer no jacket but a leather vest. (I know still squid like but that’s my choice)
I don’t even know how anyone can ride a Harley (which I have seen) in shorts or flip flops. Those engines get unbelievably hot especially in traffic.
My bike has 48miles… Lol
Personally I love that kit and I’ve always wanted to do a HD cafe racer conversion, but coming from a guy that also likes stretched ruckus that shouldn’t be very surprising…:rofl
fuck that squid shit, you ride with what you feel comfortible riding with and thats that, if you dont wanna be loosing 10 pounds from sweat on a 98 degree summer day dont fucking wear a jacket… A squid im my eyes is some punk trying to show off doing wheelies in the middle of the street only riding then for 10 feet and bragging to his friends about it.
I consider a squid one whose tires have a nice flat spot in the center. Go around turns slower than car, and when they buy new tires, the sides of their “old” tires still have a bit of shine to them.
I always dress for the fall, rather sweat then bleed.
I don’t think squids can do wheelies. I can barely do a wheelie for 10 feet :lol and I’m pretty sure there ain’t no squid better than me at riding.
I’m thinking the only thing squids are good at is going as fast as they possibly can in between cars on the highway and think they’re hot shit. No, 130MPH in traffic is not cool, go kill yourself without endangering others.
So a commuter that does a lot of highway commuting and rides cautiously around town is a squid? :rofl
Why does the commuter have a GSXR? :ponder Granted, I commute on my R6, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find twisties whenever I possibly can.
Pretty sure squids aren’t cautious. I don’t look at tires and say “Oh yeah, that guy’s a squid”. But, throw a few elements together, and you get a good idea.
I ride a lot of highway, doesn’t mean I don’t take my bike out on weekends and hit the twisties.
I rode my bike to tennessee. I’ve got a nice flat spot on my rear tire. Highways don’t offer much opportunity to lean it over. :dunno
Must be a squid.