Got a new job

started out working @ Circuit for 3 years, quit one day on a whim

got a job as an assistant electronics buyer for a Rosas in town and hated the company, did that for about 2 weeks

got a job offer for Best buy sales MGR, as i was leaving signing the papers for that job ingram micro called me and offered me a marketing development job for 3com…

it pays really well…so im really happy i got a 9-5 gig

way to go…the steady 9-5 is always a plus…

congrats bro… :tup:

Congrats. Welcome to the corporate 9-5 world.

office or cube?

id stay away from ingram.

nice…congrats! :slight_smile:

does more money mean you’ll ditch the tib and pursue something else?

im keeping the tib for now, i have an offer from somebody that may buy it over the winter, if he does im picking up an 02 M3

im getting an apt downtown at the ellicott lofts, so i gotta see how my finances pan out with that over the winter as well…

and as for staying away from ignram

my position is a contract position, the vendor has a contract for the next 6 years for this position, so layoffs are not of a concern

and yea its a cube… … ingram has like no offices… the head HR lady has a perimeter cube, so do my two bosses both of which make over 100k a year… i think the whole time i was there i saw like 2 offices

contract positions> *

nice nice

I know the current sales mgr @ walden BB… nice guy.

have fun with the 40 year plan, better put away some searious money to invest so when retirement isn’t enough you don’t have to get another job after your “retired”
