Got an Estimate for the GTP

Guy from State Farm came out and looked at my car. It needs a new door, wheel, and graphics. He seemed like he included labor for every possible thing. For example he included .25 hours to touch up all the bolts. I guess when they know the other insurance company is paying the include everything they can think of??? The total came out to $2900, where $1500 was in parts. I drop it off at Toole Auto Body on Tuesday. For a rental I am going to try to get a Dodge Dakota. I was actually thinking of trying to get one after I am done with my GTP.

well i hope for the best

chevy > dodge for trucks

How about this they tried telling my I could only spend $25/ day. I called to see what I could get and my choices were a Cavilear, Focus, or Nean. I was like Fuck that I aint driving some pile around for a couple of weeks. I said I want something comparable to my GTP. Then I saw the truck was cheaper than a Grand Prix and they said no I had to get another full size car even though the truck is cheaper…and I wonder why insurance rates are so high.

STFU!!! drive a cavalier and keep your mouth shut, pussy. r u some kind of high-roller that cant be seen in a cavi or something??? its a temp car, drive it and quit your crying!!! :finger2: :nuts: :hsdance:

I’d take a cavi right about now

its what you put on your insurance how much you spend a day


I don’t even have rental on my insurance. Since it was the others person’s fault her ins has to pay for it. Well I should be getting a new Grand Prix so I guess I can’t complain that much. I just can’t understand why they wont let me get a truck when it is cheaper than the Grand Prix.


:owned: :kekegay: :bowrofl:

when the Prelude got wrecked I had a…

  1. Brand new Malibu, which I got buried in a field while doing donuts. We left it over night and a farmer called it in and they came and got it. Man was the Enterprise guy heated. :rofl:

  2. Burnt out the alternator after getting so much mud in it by doing reverse donuts in a field.

  3. dont remember. I think it was an esscort or something. roasted a 1/4 inch off tread in one burnout, with the help of bricks and lots of bleach.
