Got me a FC

i think i might have met him, a kid i know rents out a garage in oakdale and he has an FC and he was with a kid the one day that had a v8 swapped in an fc. Not sure if its the same guy

im new with the whole rotary motor but i know for fact that the motors will last if you take care of them. So no i wont be rebuilding them.

Ever wonder why the rotary motor was banned from the Le mans 24 hour race… cause it lasts and after a race they tore down the motor and it was like new.

that comment was directed towards and i never said that i knew everything, just that i wasnt doing a v8 swap.

but please give me some suggestions. I plan on keeping it NA for now.

and thanks for the negative feedback too who ever gave it me, not like i really care cause it means nothing haha,

But if you going to go threw the effort to give negative feedback… at least write a proper sentence and spell correctly lol.

“Your a complete douche bag it would nice if you take critizism fuck stick”

dda da dda da was that there that jeff gordon on TV? haha

and how is it criticism? when that’s all that is posted on here.