WM6.1 is pretty damn stable, and even more so once the PPC geeks cook up new ROMS.
And have you ever heard of syncing? I have a bluetooth adapter in my laptop so as soon as i walk within 15 feet of it, the numbers are “backed up”
and @ Blackberry.
this thing has a program where you can take a picture of a business card and it automatically scans all of the into in and adds it as a contact.
for more info. It would take me an hour to point out all the shit this thing can do. lightning fast too. no lag whatsoever, which was the achilles heel of my Mogul.
640x480 resolution as well. It looks like a mini High Def television. Takes awesome pictures too, which is a first from any phone I’ve ever had. zoom, autofocus, 3.2MP. Can’t even tell its taken from a phone.