got my all star game bling bling

geah… finally



awesome…u gonna wear it a lot?

celebrating 9x games under 500. lawl


its the all star game it has nothing to do with the way the pirates play. i probably won’t wear it that much. employees and players from the game are the only people that have them.

u feel special now?

yeah i do so go fuck urself

How do I go about joining the GBC? I am a straight guy… so am I assuming I am not eligible? :finger2:

and you have a fast car, so you’re really not allowed to join.


:rofl: guess not

theres more modded turbo buick that chill with us than anything… so whatever


cliffs: my car is slow but I chill with FAST RaCEcarS!!! :greddy2:

cliffs… bunch a fags whored my thread over some childish stuff.

Truth… Thats because noone likes you… nor do they care that you have an all star ring, minus the diamonds, from ripping off ticket stubs at the gate…

no one like me? you dont even know me dude. ask some of my friends how they feel about me. And the people ripping off ticket stubs don;t work for the Pittsburgh pirates baseball club, the work for local 508. I work in the front offices and if you dont believe me its listed on their website.

that dude needs pistol whipped! Get off Bobs dick

Oh boy, here comes the GBC, I offended the GBC king… time for me to leave the thread :scared: