Got my tickets!

Figured since everyone else posts useless pics ill contribute :slight_smile:

Cant wait to go, 1st year at new stadium against defending champs

this is the worst thread of 2009…by far

fuck off fggt

go enjoy the cubs

GOOO CUBBIES! :slight_smile:



I’m going May 13th in Toronto…


got my tix for July 19-20, Detroit and Baltimore :slight_smile:

i could imagine how much those tickets cost

Could you have gotten “real” tickets? I would have taken them just because being the new stadium it’d be a cool thing to keep. Cool anyway :tup:

Nope not from stubhub, they are the same thing tho. Still going to frame them.

$87.00 each.

Wow, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The tough part was probably getting your hands on them though right?

x2 wholeheartedly.

Vote to be the first nominee for the April Ban?


i have tickets for the april 18th game vs the indians, not the opening game of yankee stadium but the third one =)

oooooo ban me plzzzzzzzzz im scurrrrred


and nobody asked you

the hardest was getting 6 in a row.