JClark: IN


You going Sunday?

Of the 98 ways to contact me, 97 of them are better than AIM. ;D

If you mean this Sunday, negative, car needs way too much work to go play in NYC.

Count me in for several Yanks games this season tho. I’ll go start fights with big dudes and then you come in and they’ll be all “O nm, have a good day sir.”


Let me know about the Yankee game. I got tickets for 5 this year already including opening weekend.

Dope, I have yet to pick days/buy tickets. What dates are yours?

During the week except for the ones with my parents in August.

If you want good seats, you should buy the day of the game from Craigslist, broker, or NY Yankees. I sat down in Field Championship for $150 for 2 sets and parking pass.

Done it before, doesnt guarantee you get in which sucks if I’m coming 2 hrs north. Had to watch one from a bar last year because I couldnt find them on site for reasonable money.

Do you have your weekday dates? I’m down for weekday night games or day if its real good.

Pick a date man and I’ll get us a couple of tickets.

Shawn and Jesse sittin in a tree…

…f u c k i n g


rut roh… i smell…burnt rubbers… shawn did u fart? :crackup

Sorry, I was at dinner with the wife.

We are talking about hanging out at a Yankee game. Travis is talking about hanging out in Boostin’s ass.

Oh…we were?