Got my wheelies installed


so sick… but i kinda wanted to see one 12 o’clock it just for laughs

damn some of them dudes were flyin…I was hoping for at least 1 bail though. lol

Everytime I saw those two dudes, I kept hearing that song,


I’m just impressed they made it 4 min 20 sec long.

ya no bails

this dose

siq! That takes some balls and skills

that’s actually pretty cool lol

want bails

impressssive… i dig it

Lol, just some random dirt bikes and ATVs on the road, NBD.

Gotta e Baltimore, wasn’t there a post on here a few years back that was similar. maybe I posted it, I believe the cops cant chase them in the streets so everyone just drives dirt bikes around.


It was a SUPER long wheelie, possibly on a quad.

Wow I cant believe how many people are on dirt bikes! And to not be wearing a helmet…thats stupid!
So why arent the cops allowed to chase them?
I understand that they could run from them and crash and die…but thats like saying dont go after bank robbers cuz they could shoot the tellers…just let them go

Only in Baltimore… I tell’s ya.

The city is afraid of lawsuits. But they have a law in effect that allows police officers to legally confiscate and destroy unsecured dirtbikes and ATVs within the city limits.

They also round up the dirtbikes every few years and send them to Africa where they are used as transportation for smaller rural areas.

Love the random red light runs.

imo jimmy levans most bamf moment was the austin church gap

oh and if you like sean burns…watch this.

anthem II is out of control…

I would cut everyone of those fuckers off any chance I got.
They figured out it was easier and cheaper to steal dirtbikes and and quads? I would love to see them eat shit going over backwards.
They are riding 250f’s and 2 stroke 85’s with mail boxs numbers. No wonder ins on the wheeler is more than the harley.