Got pets? Let's see them

Sucks to hear man, pets play such an amazing part in our life. A few years back I had to put down a cat I got for my 3rd birthday. It was just after my 23rd birthday. I have another cat that i’ve had for 15 years as well. Shit is rough, ya just gotta think of all the good times

Looked like a great dog, Silveradoman. :frowning:

My fuckin rat died this morning man :frowning: FUCK! Seriously, he was a mad cool rat.

Sorry silverdomain and cossey.

Sorry to hear about everyone that lost their pet, that really sucks. I know when it comes time (which hopefully wont be for a while since she is only 1-1/2 years old) to put my dog down I’m gunna cry like a bitch.

Sorry to hear about everyones pets its a shitty situation for sure. But to lighten the mood here’s a pic of how my pup decided to sleep the other night.

Here is a pic from a few months ago of my puppy (left) and crazybrews dog (right) in my living room.

The wine is there now where’s the big plate of spaghetti?

i agree. mine are around 10 months and 14 months so hopefully it will be a long time… but when it does it will suck.

Aww Seany…I <3 guiness!!!

I’ve given my cats official job titles. I try to convince people that I don’t do drugs.

It’s not working.

I have a cat named Kate. She lives outside.

This is a special gift from Samson to all of his Shift518 fans:

I’ll have James assume the position and show his bro what’s up lol

starting to realize how much i talked to norton, and how much he listened…and how much attention i used to give him…literally i have an extra 30 mins in my morning scedule thats empty and about 20 mins at night…guess i’ll pay more attention to the other 3 mini-me’s

Sorry to hear silveradoman, shit sucks… I like my dog more than my girl, would be lost without my dog. I’d be rich without my girl.

I dread that day. My dog is 15 now

My dog just turned 5, Ive had him from 2 weeks old. Dog has been by my side through everything in my life, really nasty breakups (including almost getting married and finding out she was getting pipped by some negro a few months before the wedding), other bad break ups, deaths, almost losing my mother, over coming addictions, ect and that dog has been by my side and always knows when i need him most. I dont even want to think about when that time comes,but i make sure to spend as much time as possible with him

super shitty cell phone pic, but my dog looks mean. She was just playin with my parents pit lab mix. It’s funny as hell they’ll go at it for like 20 minutes at a clip.

Mine is almost 13 and just within the past few months he really started slowing down. He used to be full of energy but has alot less these days.
He still goes for a walk every night though.

He’s got arthritis in his front legs and is slowly losing some of his vision and hearing but he’s otherwise healthy, just showing his age.

Chocolate lab(Hunter) and sylvester showing their love of affectionn.