So Cute

a couple new pics of my puppy i just took:

i wannnnt one!


cutie :slight_smile:



New License plate lol

Cute pup

awwww what a cute bitch…give it to me for a week and that cute pup will be a killer.

j/k I would using it to get all the girls in my neighborhood then give it back :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m jealous… puppies are so fun, only problem with puppies is they turn into big bastards (at least in my case :stuck_out_tongue: )



Thor is in asleep my lap at the moment, otherwise, I’d show him the pics. :slight_smile:


awesome pup :tup: so cute

omg that thing is so cute girlish giggles

they are sooooo nice when they are that young

cool pics


If anyone is going into Bio Tech… or Gene Engineering… or anything like that… I am looking to start a company called Perma-Puppies ( patent pending )

Basically what I would do is do DNA engineering and devise a way to keep the puppy looking like a puppy for the extent of its life… ( which will most likely be cut short at what I am figuring anywhere between 6-10 years due to us playing god and all )…

So if anyone is taking this route lemme know… Im telling you the profit margines would be huge.



thats sick


cute indeed. i want a puppy sooo bad :frowning:

nice, wish they would stay like that forever

Ya just gotta get one like the one I got my fiance. Her dog is a maltese. 10 months old now and weighs in at 4 pounds soaking wet. The thing’s going to be a puppy for the next 18 years!

Cute lab. Start training/socializing it now!

I rescued my German Shepherd/mut/thing when she was like 1 1/2 years old. Been working on getting her to walk well on a leash and stop stealing food off counters ever since…

But not to thread jack… How old? A pair of cuties in that last pic. Wife/fiance/girlfriend?