Got pets? Let's see them

“shady” very nice looking dog!

now that i finally bothered with a photobucket account

this is/was Russell, he contracted cancer mid-june, and it progressed very quickly. over the course of the 2 days my dad and stepmother were away from him he went completely blind, and soon after they got back he had to be put down. first time since my grandmother passed of a heart attack 4 years ago i fell apart like i did.

This is Nova. she’s a 6 month old Lab/Boxer, my girlfriend picked her up from the Saratoga County Animal Shelter today. so far she’s only pissed on the floor once haha

Hahah Congrats. Looks just like mine when she was a baby. Gorgeous dog.

Skidplate she’s beautiful! I’ve gotta take a pic of my pup shes so big now

Jesse at Americade. Photo Credit to Vlad

Dude there is pit in that mix not boxer . Look at the muzzle , ears , feet etc

she was a stray. noone really knew what she was exactly. im no dog whisperer so i kinda just took their word for it.

they’ll tell people its anything but a pit to get somebody to take it home. Shelters are overloaded with cats and pits.

Her face looks just like my friend’s pit mix.

personally i dont give a shit if she’s got pit in her or not. the attitude is in the upbringing, not the breed. i’ll still baby her and treat her like she’s a lapdog when she’s fully grown. almost all the dogs at the shelter were pits, they were just too old for us.

My friends pit is an awesome dog. She just doesn’t get along with other dogs for some reason.

She usually just sits next to me and wants me to pet her.

i REALLY want to make a Forrest Gump box of chocolates joke.

oh shit paul i totally forgot about that sub, my truck decided to start hemorrhaging gas while i was here at my dad’s in PA, i havent been in the state since last monday.