Got pets? Let's see them

cutest dog everrrrr

Hell yeah, shes only 7 months so she’s got a ton of puppy energy that I’m always looking for ways to burn off haha. I can’t wait till she’s two or three and I can take her in the woods biking with me.

Gotta line up like 8-10 cars with the dogs in the front seat and the bitches (girls) in the back seat and take a pic lolol.

heres some pictures of chevelle. just turned 1 year old about a month ago. pics are cell phone pics so dont hate on the quality.



loves going in the car.

took this one as i was posting these. her sleeping as usual.

Is turbo a dog or cat/rat ? I iz confused lol

shes not as calm as she looks in most of the pics lol.

Let’s get chevelle mounted up man , have Sam and James tag team that doggy

I took my older dog out cruising around the other night for shits and giggles


i think its a dog sillyyy

lol. like i said well see. raising a batch of pups would be so much work. plus shes only one isnt it best to wait until 2 or 3?

Beastiality ITT

Dogs are good after there second heat man .

Heres Liam

Ha thanks. He has quite the personality.



Def in for this.

Lol man I’m busstin balls . Does your dog have those ?

Not anymore :frowning:

Now your the Dick , ya took his manhood asshole