So after a night of working on the house I get up this morning and my ass muscles hurt like when I walk and sit…and no not b/c I was slammed in the ass … but my Gluteus maximus just hurts so bad on both sides…just wanted to know ever happen to anyone else
lol sounds like you were stressed doing whatever you were doing and were standing flexin yer ass muscles.
i unfortunately know what you are talking about, happened to me once, fuck if I could remember what it was from - I def. remember it sucking ass though (no pun intended)
edit: “no homo”
yea when i flex it hurts even more …well good someone else has done it …
and I sit all day at work
you were straining muscles you’re not used to. This will cause them to be very sore for a few days. Its like if you work out and work a muscle group that you’re not used to using. just ice it. Ice REALLY helps with muscle pain because it constricts the blood vessels, which reduces swelling and pressure on the nerves. also, you should stretch. That will help to temporarily relive the pain.
can fig out what way to move myself to stretch that
sit on the floow with your legs stright out inftont of you and reach forward to touch your toes
shittttttt white brother here fat as a mutha fukr cant do that
will do
i hurd ACL’s dont like lunges ?
have your girl give you a butt massage and smoke some weed.
you’ll feel better in the am
wait - you have a girlfriend right? I think I found the source of that pain in the ass now.
oh yes… i went there with that joke.
wife :gotme:
its just another muslce in your body, when you strain it or use it in a way its not used to enough it will become sore.
they way muslces work is that you destroy tissue when you overwork them, then the body builds that tissue back stronger, giving you a bigger and stronger muscle, if you do that same thing enough your body will get used to it and you wont destroy as much tissue so you wont be sore afterwards.
Soak in the tub? :gotme:
lost me here i dont have word on my computer …im just that bad
ah, even worse probably throbbing pain. I’ve found the solution speaking from personal experience. :jam:
sit it a tub full of HOT water. Mixing Epsom Salts (Eckerd) in the water will help.
Soak for a good 30min. A massage from the wife after will help more.
Keep your ass warm, it will help loosen up the muscles.
Either way its just pain and you wont to any damage if you use them.
Suck it up or take some drugs. Alcohol helps.