Gov. Paterson does not like Fat people or Indians.

and I’m not even disagreeing that they should tax cigarettes on the reservation, it’s the way they always seem to approach it, and the amount they want to charge (fuck, kick the people off welfare and other social programs that smoke… make them quit). It’s always last minute as a result of a budget mess that THEY (the law makers) can’t seem to figure out themselves.

I hope the indians fight this with everything they have

What kind of indians would this affect?
Tire-burning Indians, or bombing Mumbai Indians?

Small pox or bird flu?


I thought it was Paki’s who bombed Mumbai?

They had fake Indian ID. Combined with the fact that it fit with my question, that works for me.

slurpee or casino?

Hi, I’m earth… have we met?

Seriously man, you know damn well that will NEVER happen. Not in a million years. Even if you somehow passed it into law people would just find ways around it. You know, those same people who buy their cigs and beer with cash and pay for the rest of their stuff with food stamps at the grocery store.

That’s the only reason I’m behind the idea of a fat soda tax. I hate the idea of it, but if NY wants to give health care to every fat fuck sucking down a 2 liter of pepsi a day we should at least force them to switch to diet through taxes.

This is just the start though. Look at the states all crying about going bankrupt. It’s the liberal states, and their number one complaint is medicaid. The states that aren’t in trouble are the ones who didn’t make an end run at socialized health care through the medicaid system. But don’t worry, soon we’ll be taking that socialized health care nationwide, and I’m sure more fat taxes, user fees and administrative surcharges will be soon to follow.

sad but true :frowning: I was thinking, it’ll be nice to say “I told ya so”, but at the same time, it wont

Yet health care services companies are turning massive profits. Providers are making more now than they ever have.

But no politics until Obama is inaugurated. I’m getting a little political in here.

Forecasts loss for this year

Independent Health:
Is a not for profit corporation

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of WNY:
For the first time in 12 years met their minimum capital reserves required by law

Profit drops 53%, expects losses in 4th quarter.

I wasnt talking HMO’s. I’m talking the doctors and hospitals. Those HMOs are losing so much money because the ridiculous cost of care keeps rising.

After everyone switches to diet and gets brain cancer from the Aspertame they can sue NY for “making” them switch to the lethal soda.
Its a win win.

ya know, you’re on to something here. GOD would that be satisfying

Winning a law suit or getting brain cancer?

Related note, did any of you see the skit of him on SNL this past weekend?

And he’s upset

[FONT=Arial]Maybe he’ll start taxing NBC programs[/FONT]

lol seeing a person (or persons) bankrupt the state over something like that.

‘Saturday Night Live,’ with all of its talent, can find a way to be funny without being offensive

not often… I wonder how many “off color” jokes have given him a good chuckle over the years at the expense of others. Grow a pair

Just came back from the Irving/Silver Creek area. Staties so thick you could walk across their CVPIs and Tahoes from one border to the next. Saw one feeding a 12-ga. autoloader before I crossed into the “rez” area itself.

No fires yet to report. :wink:

lol really? damn… this aint gonna end well. Ib4missippiburning

imho healthcares biggest issue is cost of supplies (equipment being specialty order means not many companies in competition-premium cost)