Gov. Paterson does not like Fat people or Indians.

At least before their douche on douche battle keep either one from spiraling things out of control. With Bruno gone and the last safety valve that was the Republican control of the senate removed this state is in deep shit.

that’s the thing, it’s not and shoudn’t be their responsibility. Just like it shouldn’t be amazons or newegg’s responsibility to collect NY sales tax.

I don’t know… I don’t generally agree with most taxes in general and it surprises me to hear a republican on board with this. Do you support the increase in sales tax to cigarettes? I assume because it doesn’t effect you? What if NY increased the tax on gasoline the same amount? I’m sure there would be a whole lot more bitching from both sides

EDIT: or for a better/more equal example, alcohol tax. I’m sure everyone would be on board for doubling the price of alcohol. It’s bad for you and kills tens of thousands of people every year… I don’t really drink so who cares, right? 40.00 for a case of beer sounds reasonable

Yes, I support any amount of tax they want to put on cigarettes. Double that amount for states like NY who socialize their health care via overly liberal medicaid policies. We all have to pay for the expensive care for these idiots who choose to smoke almost always require because of their decision to smoke. No amount of cigarette smoking is good for you, so let me throw that out there before people ask if I feel we should do the same thing with booze. Many studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption is actually good for you.

As for the, “Well it shouldn’t be the responsibility of the indians to collect the tax” argument.

  1. It won’t be, because the tax will be collected at the wholesale level.

  2. If they really want to be a sovereign nation and have nothing to do with our tax system several changes have to be made.
    2A. No more US/NY tax dollars going to their schools, health care, infrastructure.
    2B. Real borders need to be put up, just like we have with Canada and Mexico, so non-natives can be charged duty on their reservation purchases when they come back to the US.

I want to be a soverign nation from here on out. I will continue to use all government services, build a casino in my back yard, and sell a whole bunch of stuff out of my house to all of you Americans tax free, but I will no longer be paying taxes.

I’m actually 1/4th Mohawk, on the tribal roles in Akwesasne. Maybe I should open up a tax free outlet in Williamsville and claim I’m a sovereign nation. Jaytoria FTW! :slight_smile:

well, with that point said… they should be charging us tolls to drive through their land

Regardless of alcohol being good for you in moderation, how many millions of dollars in insurnace money is paid out anually from drunk driving accidents? Long as were saving a broken health care system money, might as well save insurance too

Sure, the day we stop paying for their roads, schools, health care and mountains of other assistance we provide their sovereign asses.

I’m willing to bet far less than the insurance companies take in from the insanely high premiums charged to anyone who’s ever had a DWI/DWAI.

And PS, bad example. The government doesn’t run the car insurance companies (at least not yet. Gobama isn’t in office yet).

Last time we tried this the Senecas put up a sign on the Thruway reminding you that you are leaving the united states and entering a sovereign nation. What a sham. :cjerk: I wonder what they’ll do this time when we try to collect taxes on goods imported from their country?


Hehe pop tax. Welcome to crazy world. They should tax candy too. And hookers.

:lol: :bigclap:

I seriously want to get the f out of this State. In reality I will just continue to bitch and they will keep taking my money.:bloated: They seriously must laugh their asses off with every check they cash.

exactly, nor should they. They need to get rid of the social heath care, or reform it

and, granted not state run that I know of, but health insrance companies are starting to charge higher premiums for smokers and other high riskers… same as car insurance.


You haven’t read the treaty, have you?

Jaytoria sounds good to me. Just pass on most of the savings on gas to the customer (Like the Irving res stations, who always seem to be 30 cents cheaper than Smokin Joe despite lower volume) and don’t mark 93 up more than 20 cents over 87 and you have yourself a new gas guzzling customer :tup:

obvously not many here have

I did last time Spitzer tried this fight. IIRC they promised us safe free passage through their land.

pop tax? what a fucking joke.

this fucking state is a joke. TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX,TAX

I don’t know why you guys are so upset. I remember a thread not 2 months ago where many cheered the idea of raising taxes. They that said that we should cut spending was called selfish and stupid. Lots of people said that we have to pay more and more taxes cause thats what civilized societys do, we support people.

Its all fun to be idealistic, until your short on money, and they wana tax soda.

Joe’s reply:

VAT tax solves the Indian cigs problem.