i cant stand people whining about how they dont want there tax dollars spent on social services programs, medicaid, basically anything to help anyone but themselves. you do know these programs are limited now its not like it used to be where you keep having kids and keep getting money you get 2 years or 5 years if you have children thats it once you are out they tell you go fuck yourselves. NY is also work first state which means if you want welfare they try placing you in jobs if you dont comply you dont get anything, problem is there are no fucking jobs.
Anyone bitching about how they shouldnt pay for others social programs suck a fat dick what would happen if all those people entered the job market??? you would either lose your job or take a big fucking pay hit then would whine about not being able to feed your family. the system is broken but at least its somewhat working, take away programs to help the poor and what the fuck do you thinks gonna happen.