New York needs to raise taxes


High taxes and regulations are killing the middle class.

Ok. My hatred for private schools put aside.

If everyone could afford private schooling and went to private schools, than wouldnt that make expensive public schools?

Also. Once the profit margin of the school becomes absolutely gigantic, whats to stop the school from jacking up the rates to squeeze out unwanted students?


this thread is priceless.

:word: Take away public schooling and pretty soon the entire country is nothing but CEO’s and bikers. :ohnoes:


You’re missing the point. If private school can do such a better job for so much less money let’s just give up on public schools, and the unions, and their outrageous administrative costs. Give that tax money right to the private schools, send everyone there, and give the savings back to the taxpayer.

Since the unions would never let that happen, let’s at least look at why the private schools can do so much more with so much less and apply that to the public schools. Oh wait, the difference is the unions, so that won’t happen either, and there you have NYS.

And that’s why people keep leaving, because they know the the system is so broken an corrupt it’s impossible to fix. Eventually I’ll talk myself out of this state too.

27,000 per year? or 27,000 for k-12?

Buffalo, NY, schools spend $9,387 per student.

bump for facts?

Well, you posted 9387 per student for Buffalo. I’d say that’s a ripoff if I ever saw one considering private school costs less.

Well your math doesn’t agree with Carl so you will have to ask him, that is who I quoted.

You have to apply for private school. They don’t have to deal with the crap that Buffalo does. The only fair comparison would be City Honors vs. one of the privates, in which case public is a lot more competitive. It’s the whole “you can’t polish a turd” debate.


I’m going to paraphrase that:

Turn private schools into public schools.

Cliffs: NT Super gets $205,000 RETIRED.


the title of this tread made me want to punch you in the face

then i read on

Chances are, both Presidential candidates if elected will probably be forced to raise taxes. The question is, who will wind up getting that increased tax bill - for Obama, I’d bet anyone in the middle class and up will get it; for McCain the pain will spread all over. What’s “fair” in that is up for debate.

As for New York, we’re no longer #1 in tax burden - that “honor” goes to NJ.

Now you can argue that taxes are already too high, to a degree. Raise them too high, and many people with means will decide to leave NY for other states (CT comes to mind), shrinking the “soak the rich” end of the tax pool. It may not happen immediately, but those who are moving into the area will have the opportunity to choose accordingly.

As for the other end, we will have to take a good hard look at what we’re spending our tax money on overall. Some programs may have to be cut - not because they’re bad programs, not because we want to, but because we may have to. I see it all the time - people scrimp on meds so that they can pay their rent. Not the greatest solution, but they’re living within their means.

However, we seem to not have the same expectations from our government. How we expect our government to continue spending without having the money at hand is unconscionable at best, and reckless at worst.

So what is my point? I’d focus my raised-tax revenue on things that will “regenerate” - such as improved infrastructure (roads, ports, bridges, etc), targeted scholarships for certain students (maybe extract a pledge of public service in exchange), mandated welfare-to-work programs, etc.

There are many other things I’d do if I were in Albany, but needless to say, noone’s gonna vote for me anyway.

i cant stand people whining about how they dont want there tax dollars spent on social services programs, medicaid, basically anything to help anyone but themselves. you do know these programs are limited now its not like it used to be where you keep having kids and keep getting money you get 2 years or 5 years if you have children thats it once you are out they tell you go fuck yourselves. NY is also work first state which means if you want welfare they try placing you in jobs if you dont comply you dont get anything, problem is there are no fucking jobs.
Anyone bitching about how they shouldnt pay for others social programs suck a fat dick what would happen if all those people entered the job market??? you would either lose your job or take a big fucking pay hit then would whine about not being able to feed your family. the system is broken but at least its somewhat working, take away programs to help the poor and what the fuck do you thinks gonna happen.

NY is allready welfare to work theres no jobs, do people not get this concept shit is bad government is spending way beyond there means with no end in sight. What happens when governments go broke? they raise taxes or go communist.

^ Social programs at a national level fine.

This is about NYS, where we pay more for our medicaid program than the next two highest spending states combined (TX and CA, who happen to have way more people than NY besides).

I’m sorry, that’s just wrong.

Or how about when Buffalo wanted to switch the teachers to one health insurance provider? No drop in coverage, no increase in contribution, just switch to one provider so we can save millions of dollars. Sorry, nope, we’re suing.

These are the things that make people so anti-social programs and anti-education funding in NY. If the system weren’t so corrupt with unions and lobbyists it would cost so much less and people would feel like they’re getting something for that money.

First step, NY needs to end the practice that allows people to sign up for social programs the first day they move to the state. It has made us a welfare draw for years.

i just applyed for medicaid last week after trying to pay my medical bills out of pocket for 2 years and its damn near impossible to comply with what they want. i got denied for ss disability because the NYS doctors said i can ocasionally lift 10lbs. Now i had an amazing medical plan a $50k a year job 3 pensions, but because i was t-boned by some bitch running a redlight at 60mph i ruptured 6 disks in my back and could no longer work, now Geico’s policy of deny deny deny make them sue i lost my no fault medical coverage because i had to goto surgeons, dr.s, rehab, pain management about every other day. Now my lawsuit is gonna fall through because i can no longer afford to see the Drs because my savings are spent and i need medicaid but i cant get medicaid without seeing doctors that i gotta pay for.

Do you mind telling me the easy way to get the government to pay for shit? since you are so enligtened to how social service programs work.