New York needs to raise taxes

^ Got me, but if NY is spending more than NY and CA combined there must be a lot of people out there who can explain how to get on the NY teat.

PM me.


So in short, you didn’t get money from the government, and now you think that we should expand said program. The other 47 states in the union do just fine without all these social programs. We are so used to sucking off the fat tit of the state, that we don’t know how to get off of it.

I feel bad for you I really do. And I believe the the programs were at one time intended for people like you, that fall on hard times. But they are better suited now to those that are career low lifes. I mean come on, only in NYS can you cut lawns all summer, then ride unemployment every single winter while you plow driveways on the side.

Here’s a great site I found to see just how big NY’s medicaid problem is.

Looks like my quote of us spending more than TX and CA combined is a little off. We spend about the same as TX and CA combined.

For NY’s 19 million people it spent 44.7 billion dollars on medicaid.
For CA’s 36 million people it spent 34.2 billion dollars on medicaid.

NY spent $2352.63 for every single person in the state.
CA spent $950 for every single person in the state.

When you see numbers like this I simply can’t understand why we aren’t burning Albany to the ground. Where is the outrage? It simply isn’t there. Hell, you have people like slowtalon who think the state should spend more.


I call Pitchfork.

Jay this deserves another post in case someone missed it…

NY spent $2352.63 for every single person in the state.
CA spent $950 for every single person in the state.

Even the facts clear as day. People can’t and won’t see the problem.

Looks like the problem is not how many people we cover, but how much we spend per person, once they are eligible. Our medicaid program is actually a little harder to get into, then they pay for damn near everything.
Here is NY on the left and CA on the right
Total Enrollment, FY2005 26 29 % of total residents
Children 41.3 40.9 % of Medicaid enrollees
Adults 35.4 41.5 % of Medicaid enrollees
Elderly 10.6 8.7 % of Medicaid enrollees
Disabled 12.7 8.8 % of Medicaid enrollees
% Enrolled in Managed Care, 2006 - - 61.0 50.0 % of Medicaid enrollees

Per Enrollee Medicaid Spending, FY2005
Total $7,733 $2,701
Children $2,000 $1,142
Adults $3,509 $813
Elderly $21,223 $8,750
Disabled $25,945 $12,265

Not to mention it looks like we spend a rediculous amount on elderly and disabled people.

Maybe if more people talked about it! :mamoru:


Looks like Paterson wants to cut Medicaid funding during the special session so apparently he’s looking at teh same stuff we are.

Well, hes not looking at anything, but you get the picture.

gee how suprising that we spend more on people who need the most care :uhh:

Maybe the fact that CA has much higher health standards has something to do with the lower costs per person…hrmmm…healthly lifestyles effecting health care costs…

Look at the percentage of children. That tells you something, not that there is a pile of sick children in this state. That there is alot of “poor” famlies that are enrolled in the system.

Please explain what “poor” means in that statement


How about you back that up. Find a state that spends more per person than NY using that site. There are some really unhealthy states in the south.

And other Joe, yeah, Patterson is looking at it. It won’t matter though because Silver has already said health cuts are off the table. What Silver says is as good as law in our dysfunctional government. He has FAR more power than the governor yet is elected by a single district in the state.

California is one of the fattest states last time I checked.
just sayin

So… Basically we’re all screwed if we stay in NY due to NYS taxes; and we’re REALLY fubar’d because of the Federal Government spending…

So no matter how we look at it; we’re all in for an ass-raping of some sort in the next 10 years by some form of government and taxes…

Ok… Time to head somewhere else… Europe is sure looking better and better…

If Paterson is in favor and the Senate is in favor, they’ll work out something to hammer it through. If he keeps being seen as the obstruction, a la Joe Bruno for so many years, for long enough, eventually people will start to be pissed.

You don’t have to go that far.
Nevada is much closer and has more freedom.

You have a lot more faith in NY politics than I do. Silver is strong with his small base who keep re-electing him, so he can vote anyway he wants. Bruno didn’t leave because he was unpopular; he left because he was under investigation. As long as Silver stays legal he can continue to do what ever he wants with his stranglehold on the Assembly.