government money

That’s correct

Eventally, I need someone to close up an o2 dump that was welded into it and its ready to go.

I did it too…a 9 year old and a 6 year old make you do things in the name of practicality instead of romance…don’t feel too bad…

I got mine today, and my ssn ends in 46.,,id=181972,00.html

Below are the schedules for economic stimulus payments related to tax returns processed by April 15, 2008:

I haven’t seen my refund yet, let alone the stim cash. I mailed in my stuff on the 15th though, so that explains why.

i still have a 650$ check that is out that hasnt been thru the bank… so basically they will cancel eachother out. oh well.

I guess I will get mine on July 4th since I can’t direct deposit because I had to pay them $880. I would have rather just subtracted 600 from what I had to pay them than get a check in july.

Seriously! Why couldn’t they have subtracted what we owed to them! sheesh

because the longer they have the money the more money they make…

I got mine last week, but just checked the bank today!!

i don’t get one.

i made $2700 last year.

on paper.

my car payment alone last year was over $4000.


(waiting for the audit)


Just tell 'em your sugar mama paid the car loan.

This is where Im confused. I got my tax return back today, but as far as the stimulis check goes … I did not owe anything on my taxes, but I am not direct ethier …

So when will I get my stim?

Well since our Federal monkeys run such a deficit, technically they’ll just pay a little less interest to the Federal Reserve if they hold onto the money longer, but the idea is the same, time value of money FTW. That’s why some companies only pay employees once per month.