Anyone seen anything on this? The 3G capable phone that is wide open to 3rd party apps.
The gPhone is said to debut in Feb and there are test devices floating around. It runs on the Android Platform which is wide open to developers. The system allows all 3rd party applications and base applications to run on the same level so the entire phone can be custom programmed. Also you can give each program rights to certain features of your phone, for example, if you want a program to be allowed to dial, you can grant it if you trust it. Some other random features are ability to run 3d apps that are written to use the Android API. The website has some videos on it.
Most recently, Google has set aside $10 million to fund projects and startups to develop cutting edge applications for the phone. The platform is free and the SDK is free too. Very Java like.
I can not wait for phones to start using this technology and be publicly available.