GPNY Pt II 1/25/09

Should rename this as GPNY IV as it’s really the fourth installment for “shifters” since the first :rofl Clark/Lew went again soon after the Oct event and Clark/Lew/Jay/EJ/Myself/Wifey/Jeff/Jon H went today for my birthday.

Yet again managed to connect head on with Clark in the very last race of the day at a good clip. Spent most of my time playing dirty trying to pit Lew into though the hairpins. Really good racing today… rather than going for blistering lap times the leader pulled throttle and balled up the pack so racers were tight and fighting for positions for a few laps, then start the process over again. Between that and the 10mph rolling road blocks we had some good damn karting today.

For those who have never been to this arena, you’re in for a treat :slight_smile:

My wife to a video of the 5th race today. I’ll post it when I manage to find the software CDs to our new camera here so i can upload the damn thing. Get to see me spin a bit avoiding taking out Jammer who spun in turn one.

Good times! Thanks to those who came to liven up my B-day!!!

^Sounds like a good strategy :up

And this is named #2 caus the first thread about it was #1 :smiley:

One thing you forgot…are you going on the 25th?

I dunno yet. Depends on how that particular week turns out to be. If I do it’ll be a spur of the moment decision most likely based off what I do the night before!

Sounds good. Just make sure you check the thread the night before or something because we’re going to be nailing down a time to meet at Crossgates to ride down together.

Not so much strategy, just fun for a smaller run group so you’re not spending 7 of the 9 minutes chasing each other down to get in some good passing. I wouldn’t recommend it on a tack with 20+ karts whizzing around. All I see coming out of balling everyone up is a big 10 kart+ pileup in the esses :slight_smile:

We had a 6 kart T-Bone pile up due to Jeff and someone else failing a tandem drift last time, NOT fun :rofl

New list :smiley:

  1. kramerbuccs24- Ryan
  2. chris88z24- Chris
  3. GermanPSI- Chris
  4. That guy- (not sure on name)
  5. d. gage- (not sure on name)
  6. Jammer- Jason
  7. OsoiNA6- Archie
  8. slwrthnu- Elliot
  9. Shady- Mackenzie (possibly in)
  10. Silent- Steve
  11. Jim P 2001- Jim
  12. Vovchandr- Vlad
  13. Cossey- …Cossey ;D
  14. tdi_logik- Pete
  15. cazwrz187- Chuck
  16. Hooked on 240- Jeff
  17. Neo187H- (not sure on name)
  18. dkid15- Bobby
  19. 82exp- Chris
  20. crazyz250flamer- Brian
  21. Boxersix- Adam (possibly in, depends on hangover status)

[quote=kramerbuccs24;229928]We had a 6 kart T-Bone pile up due to Jeff and someone else failing a tandem drift last time, NOT fun :rofl

Wasnt me. i was one of the guys who came around turn 1 to discover that the track was blocked by homosexuals who cant drive. and BOOM in the side of 82EXP i go at almost full speed. NOT fun.

Hurry up and post the video. I need something to entertain me at work.

Yeah, I was guilty of not being nice, although I tried. I spun Mr. Clark and 5 seconds after the seas split behind me Boxer was staring Clerk in the face, at a high rate of speed!

I also may have been guilty of a few other infractions, but Jesse would admit, the best racing was on the last lap after the checker when they had cut the engines. We passed, bumped and even caused a spin or two in the cool down lap.

Beyond that, there was no dominance due to indiscretions and pit moves and a pace car or two. We did go three wide a wew times and think 4 wide was attempted. I know I ran out of track and ate a few nice walls. I’m sore and plan on bring paint ball guns next time and play a lil spy hunter in the raw. The 25th still looks like a good day for me, not 100%.

Ok, we need to nail down a time as it’s only 8 days away now.

They open at 9AM, I’m assuming they’ll be reasonably busy, so how does everyone feel about meeting up at Crossgates (same place as last time) at 8AM? I was thinking even as early as 7 but I know that would be a PITA from some people who aren’t lucky enough to live 7 minutes from XGates (me :slight_smile: ), so I think 8 is fair.

But obviously speak up if that’s still too early.

Other than that, I haven’t gotten any PM’s about questions and not too many questions in this thread so I’d say we’re good to go? And I know I wouldn’t mind going to that same Applebee’s (or was it Friday’s? or Houllihans? I can’t remember), but I guess we can figure that out when we get there.

Also, if you’re under 18, make sure to check the first post in this thread for the waiver your parents are going to have to sign.

i have to bail :frowning: i’m picking up a car next weekend and wont be around.

Awwwwwwwwwww, is Wayne scared that he’s going to get beat?? Poor guy :‘(:’(:cry:

Just kidding. :rofl Good luck with whatever you’re picking up :smiley:

lol come on now, me not going is probably the best news you’ve gotten since you posted this up :wink: :smiley:

yup 6 months for my 91 jetta, everything but colision

i might be out, dunno how funds are gonna be lookin/worth it.

being broke and jobless FTMFL priorities car mods>gpny

let me know as soon as you figure it out so i know if i have an open spot in the T&C

im gonna pass this time around, got too many cars im fucking/fucking with

This sunday bitches

i fucking want to go so bad. fucking bullshit. i have an MRI sat morning now and then i have to go on car adventures + the gun show. wtf. pick a new weekend when i’m not busy! lol