Grand Island Meth Lab

gross. get that shit outta here.

All a set up, No drugs on Grand Island!!!
j/k of course but I thought ppl just did coke and oxy/hydros on G.I.

Wow apparently Grand Island and Long Island have a lot in common :squint:

Lol, theres drugs everywhere. Smoking weed is like smoking cigarettes now, along with popping pills. Soon smoking crack is gonna be the hot habit. What a shame.

Lol, I thought the exact same thing.

Shut up.

my uncles gunna be pissed about this!

A shame it didn’t go boom. I hate when the cops bust meth labs before these idiots can blow themselves up. :tdown:

^What if it was your neighbor? :fail:

I graduated HS with Delmas Lowers. We have been calling that kid “dumbass lowers” for about 25 years. Again he earns the nickname.

and he didn’t notice the meth lab sooner? Shame on him.

Seriously though, chances are he would blow himself up during the day when most productive society is at work or school.