Bud Smokerz

Remember Giterre street in the city? Still running, And AGAIN got raided last night.

These fuckers have been running this place for over 10 years and no matter how many times they get raided, they still run the fucker. Ppl always said it was ran by Cops thats how they always get away with it so long

there is huge sums of money to be made by marijuana being illegal…to both the black market and law enforcement. the cops just have to “bust” them every now and then to make it look like they are doing something to stop them.

ben around longer than 10 yrs thats fo sho

yea gitree lol

i remember that

its probably standard procedure, and the cops are probably in on it. How else would a house be able to keep being used for it. Don’t they usually confiscate the house for shit like this.

Same house? The pink one?

The dude who ran that owned stanford…and about 10 other places around the area…Frankie J

Cause they got nailed like a year or so ago because the FBI was investigating a bunch of cops for helping out the dealer…

I love when people drive down there from lancaster etc and get their plates ran by cops get the weed taken and it gets dropped back off…

All these statements are shots in the dark… :wink:

i rememer that place… my friends in hs would always go there and sometimes get busted. the cops would just take their weed away, and prob give it back to the dealers lol.