Gray hair

Well, I’ve recently started to notice a few gray hairs. I’m 29, what’s this shit about!?!?! Ugh. Anyone else?


Werd…here and there they show up. Whatevs…

The singer from my old band had grey hair in HS.

I’m in that club. I’m ok with it because at least it’s not thinning yet. :slight_smile:

My wife says I’m going gray. I think she’s full of shit.

Oh well, dudes look distinguished with gray hair. Chicks look bad.

As long as I don’t go bald…

EDIT: I’m 27.

i can see a lot of grey in my beard when it grows out…:bloated:

im 25 and have random grays lol

The 29 year-old club? :mamoru:

And what % of you dudes with graying hair also have spouses?

lol. atleast youre not balding.

I’m only 20 and have found gray hairs…fml.

i’ve had like 4 gray hairs on the top of my head since I was like 17… never more, never less.

It’s that fucking ricer that races me every morning.

Oh, and I will not have any gray hairs after this weekend. I will have smoke colored hair. :evolve:

When I attended my 10yr HS reunion one of my old buddies had the classic horseshoe baldness. lol sometimes you get the shity hair gene.

MY mustache turns gray but not my head hair?


my buddy scott had a full head of grey hair in hs.

in before Xander

I have a couple rogue grays in my beard, but haven’t noticed anything on my head and I’m 27. My father went gray early, but never bald. I’m OK with that.

I started greying at 11 years old. Im 24 now, and i have quite a bit on the sides of my head, which is why I keep my hair short. Im about 20% grey. :frowning: