GREAT Deal on 20Gb X-box's

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday


refurbished or New PLZ

is this poo or a returd


found out they ARE refurbished, but by SONY.

90 day warranty on all units. If it goes bad for some reason, you can swap it.

Call them if you have any other questions.

do it, this plus Fall Out 3

Wouldn’t the refurb be better? No death ring after that right?

I only ask because I intend on breaking the warranty immediately with a larger HD and rocking it for a couple hours a day… forever.

I would agree…afterall, they were repaired by SONY.

this is what i was told from a dood at EB when i was asking about the refurb’s that they will not have the RROD issue

All day I dream about Fallout…

I have owned 4 xbox 360s between modding them and none of them have ever had the RRoD (other than the one I had for 1 day that I left sitting next to my projector’s hot air exhaust which was my fault).

Keep them in an area that is breathable and not enclosed and they last. Two I had in college were used pretty much 14 hours a day playing Halo 3, COD4 or Gears of War which are all pretty resource intensive games. The console was flat and in the open so it could properly ventilate.

27 moar days

Bump, I’m killing these things like they are made of candy. In one weeks time this is where I stand, note these are the refurbs they carry. Was hoping to have something with a modable drive.

#1 - RRoD, died after 10 minutes idle. No more booting.
#2 - DVD drive would not read games.
#3 - RRoD, died after some random freezes after about 8 hours of usage. Randomly booted.

#4 - Called Microsoft instead of exchanging it. Replacement system, new warranty pending shipping.


microsoft’s legendary reliablilty, lol, at least they extended that warranty

this is why you cant have nice things and is why i dont want to buy one…

At least the call to tech support wasn’t bad at all, took maybe 5 minutes tops.

Fuzzy, did you get these from that place on RT 5?

Indeed I did, hence the bump.

but it sounds like they work with you to get it fixed… i still dont know XBOX or PS3 ??