Great start to the day...

push you in it…?


im not going to bother starting drama on the new forum, glad to see you have that level of maturity too…

Whether you like it or not, I’m right.

oh please great one why dont you enlighten us as to what the proper way would be?

Well thats if you arent too busy getting your car all fucked up because you are a dumbass driving in floods and not realizing that when a street floods it can lift manhole covers up.

You’re a bright one aren’t you?

  1. I was out before it started raining
  2. I made it all the way across town without driving through any of the sever standing water, and sustained no water damage
  3. Insurance company investigation showed that the manhole cover was most likely dislodged by the car traveling over it as there was no damage to the front suspension, and a huge dent in the floor. They found me 0% at fault, with no reasonable way to be expected to avoid the hazard.

Unfortunately for your dumb ass, you’ll be paying to fix your rice crispy treat of an automobile, unlike my damages, which were all paid for, with no out of pocket expense.

Good try and some kind of low blow, too bad you are too stupid to realize that for it to have actually mattered, you might have wanted to make sure it was my fault first. Jackass.

Oh and to put an end to this ignorance.

When you have an engine bay fire you are supposed to keep the hood closed. Why’s this? Because fires like oxygen, and guess what you just gave it when you opened it up. On top of that, you know that funny blanket looking thing under there? Well, unlike you had thought, it’s not there to cuddle with on cold winter nights. It’s designed to seperate during a fire and smother it.

On top of that, if you knew anything about fires in general, you’d know that you are never supposed to use water on a class B fire, like one would experience with a hydraulic fluid catching on fire.

But you are right… I’m pretty stupid and don’t know anything. :roll:

really no front end damage? thats why half your front bumper is hanging off. And you driving over it didnt magicly make the sewer cover lift up and fuck up your car. It was already out of the hole before you drove over it. Just because your front susspension wasnt fucked up doesnt prove otherwise. And if you werent such a dumbass you would have pulled over once the streets started to flood and waited for it to stop instead of being the dumbass and driving over a lifted sewer cover.

oh ya i forgot that an engine bay is a completely air tight inclosure that has no way of getting air unless you lift the hood. Oh and good thing you know so much about cars and that my car doesnt have that funny looking blanket. Neither does my trans am, my mom’s suv, my dad’s car or a million other cars. I guess you took them all so you could cuddle with them.

And gee you know what you can do for class B fires like the one you would experience with hydrolic fluid catching on fire? Class B fires are put out using foam, CO2, or dry chemicals. So i have that big ass jug of soap in the garage that can be used, or that big ass bag of dry absorbance. Either of which would have worked, or worked well enough for the fire department to get there.

But ya you are right i should have pulled over right away. But oh ya thats right, there is no shoulder, only a 6ft drainage ditch. So ya i should have left my car sit in the road and block traffic. And as everyone got pissed i should have called the fire department to come to my car for a fire that NEVER HAPPENED and had them get pissed off for wasting their time. Oh and i guess i should have continued to sit there and called a towtruck since i shouldnt risk driving 30sec to my house cause it could explode in a huge fireball.
So ya wasting a couple hours and pissing off a lot of people would have been the much smarter choice then driving 30sec. to my house and being able to handle the situation myself or atleast doing a good enough job until the firedepartment got there.

But then im sure you would have known right away that it was powersteering fluid leaking onto the exhaust and not the belt that snapped and was laying in the exhuast so you would have slammed on your brakes on and jumped from the car because it was going to explode in a ball of fire instead of driving the 30sec to your house.

But ya, you are pretty stupid.

Yup, you are right, wow… you are so much smarter than the insurance companys investigators. They usually will go out of their way to pay out as much as possible though, you are correct.

You dumb shit, if the fucking cover was out of the hole the front end would have been toast, just like the rear. Care to tell me how my car “floated” over the hole and then the rear got destroyed?

I had no problem making it all the way home in the rain, just becuase you are some kind of pussy hurt faggot who wants to sit in the rain for hours when it rains, doesn’t mean that most people lack the intelligence that you do to make it home when the conditions are bad.

And don’t cry about not having any common sense either. If you weren’t such a dumb shit brick you’d know that when you have a fire in the engine bay, you leave the hood closed. Go ahead and argue it, then call the fire department and ask them you dumb cunt. Please go ahead and show me where you said you used (or would use) soap, or any other chemicals other than a hose to put out that fire.

Guess what, you are a dumb fucking shit and you can’t handle it. Let me know when your infinite wisdom invents a time machine so I can travel back in time and give your mom the $4 for the abortion she should have had when she was pregnant with you, fuck she could have at least just taken it in the ass like normal.

It’s ok though, you are right, that was the worst way to start the day, I’ve never heard a more touching story of human suffering and perserverance. Please let me know what address I can send donations and flowers too, you truly are an american hero.

Just so you can stop whining

Once you leave the vehicle, don’t try to extinguish the fire. This is a good general rule. A car can be replaced, but you and your loved ones cannot. Don’t re-approach the vehicle, thinking that you can control it with a fire extinguisher, a hose, or sand.

If There is a Fire, What Should I Do?

Never put yourself in danger using a fire extinguisher. If you do use a fire extinguisher, only do so from a safe distance and always have a means to get away.

It is recommended to use a fire extinguisher approved for use on class “B” and class “C” fires.

Do not open the hood or trunk if you suspect a fire under it. Air could rush in, enlarging the fire, leading to injury.

You sure are a winner, you showed me :tup:

Aww so you DO care!

Shh, don’t tell anyone, it will hurt my e-thug image :mamoru:


well why dont you use your huge vast knowledge of everything and explain how you driving over a huge heavy ass piece of metal would be able to lift it up? Fact of the matter is, it couldnt. And if it could, do you think that everytime you drove over one it would come flying up and fuck your car up dumbass? There is no way in hell that your POS car driving over it could create such a pressure difference as to lift the cover up.

Well since you are the little bitch who called me a dumbass for driving 30sec with my car making some smoke, yet you continued to drive through the fucking heavy ass rain and flooding. Gee my car is pefectly fine and only took $5 for a new hose clamp and PS fluid, and wow your car is all kinds of fucked up. So ya i think your stupid ass should have pulled over or you should get some fucking glasses if you can miss a god damn sewer cover not where its suppose to be.

And its not my fault you are the stupid fuck who likes to open his mouth and spit a bunch of bullshit and hope no one calls you on it. No where did i give a step by step account of exactly what i did or what i had at my dispposal to put out a fire that never fucking happened. So its not my problem that you want to assume a bunch of shit and then get put in your place when you are wrong as fuck.

And if i inventented a time machine i would have gone back to tell your mother to swallow instead so the world wouldnt have to put up with a little stupid shit like you. And the only one taking it in the ass is you you little faggot.

And thank you for having some compassion for the shitty start to my day, but instead of spending money on me why dont you buy some fucking glasses so you can see the god damn sewer cover next time.

And shouldnt your faggot ass be at TOPS making sure the produce is better?

the reason your front suspension wasnt ruined is simple … your front tire hit the already diplaced cover, moving it farther but still managing to give the cover an extra shove … far enough to let your rear tire fall in …

wheres the dent in the floor ? under the seats (between the front and rear tires) or behind the rear tire ?

and dont go trying to tell me the ins company “investigated” the incident … im sure they looked at your car, im sure they looked at your pic of the cover laying out of place, and im sure they realized that the dent in your floor has a round crease in it from the edge of the cover hitting it … as well as a dentin the steal edge to the rim of the manhole

i know how ins works … you have full coverage which means they have to pay unless they can proove that you did the damage on purpose

dont try to sell us on the idea that they did some “CSI” style full on investigation …

they check your car, they looked at the pic, the manhole and said “yep its covered”

unless your agent rides your dick because your “ritwalter from the barf” they did the usual shit

its just some suspension damage … not a school bus the rolled off a cliff and into an explosives storage site, killing all 36 special ed childenon board while turning a neigborhood to tooth pics

EDIT: … can someone take the font size tool away from walter ? dude rides that option like MJ rides 10 yr olds

Actually, for those who are still ignorant in the way of the business world, the insurance company will do everything possible to make sure that they pay out as little as possible, and make sure they get someone else to pay for it.

They were not going to accept that it was no fault, and charge it against my policy, for you retards that means that they still would have paid for it, but my rates would have gone up, and it could have been used as grounds to drop my policy.

Keep on shining on with the ignorance though. FYI, had there been an open man hole, and I had hit it, then the insurance company would have found me at fault, that was their contention from the beginning. If there was no construction in the area, then the city was not liable.


But you are right, you know more about the situation than me, judiging by most post and pictures :tup:

Anyway, all epenises aside, good thing it was just a hose, and didn’t catch on fire. I knew a guy that had a rather large underhood fire that did quite the number on his car when a PS line got too close to his custom turbo setup and eventually burst and caught on fire. Talk about teh suck.

… that no one pushed you in that fire either…?

english much?


this is funny

walter is a dick

but you know what? he is right


so it just makes it so much worse that he is right, AND a dick.

Just be happy your car is ok, and so are you

arrgh :rofl: