great video about effects of time

10 min video but it goes quick

Great video, just finished watching it and will probably go back and watch it again just to have it all sink in.

Whoever the speaker is makes a lot of good points and has obviously done a lot of research and thinking about the matter.

Whoever the artist is, he’s insanely good :wow

But it did make me feel like I was watching a very long prequel to what Mythbusters are going to do today

Good video, hit the nail on the head.

Very cool! +rep

yea the video game to class room reference is insanely on point

Awesome video, and alot of great points made. It described how I think of todays youth damn near to a T, everything is too focused on electronic devices, phones, games, online etc etc. Hell when I play call of duty there are 7a nd 8 year olds telling me to fuck myself and whatnot, when I was that age I would have never done that, for fear of the possible consquences… Now it seems that younger kids feel there is no consequence for their actions, and that nothing will come of it, because they can alter it as they see fit, much like they do online etc etc.

/Rant. Good vid man

Thats when you tell them you’ll rape their mothers, gouge out their eyes, stick your dick inside of her skull and scramble their brains. And tell them if they dont stfu… you’ll tie them to a chair and make them witness it.

I got bored watching it and turned it off.

lol wayne