Green House? growing food?

there is a hydroponic place on rt20 where carman road ends as well

There’s a lot of cool stuff in the food supply… Thinking about doing this myself too. We don’t require GMO labeling. It’s not necessarily only the GMO that’s the problem. It’s the pestcides and quantity of pesticide they use on them too. It will eventually lead to an ecological collapse at some point. We’re so far behind the times in the US with this stuff LOL.

I could go on for days with this stuff.

You’re a weird fuck pitman


You’re amazing. You don’t believe anything thats remotely true, but you just look at unicorn stories and go… “Hey, that looks plausible! I’ll just trust it without any background research :number1”

And then you wonder why people don’t take you seriously…

Edit: darn, looks like Elliot beat me to it.

Have you tried yet? It may work.

i always google search quotes posted on the internet :lol

“Never trust a quote on the internet”

  • Albert Einstein

i guess thats not his quote. i will switch it to online jefferson’s quote 1997.

also on your link

“This quotation has never been found in Jefferson’s papers in its above form, but it is most likely a paraphrase of Jefferson’s statement in Notes on the State of Virginia, “Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now.””

Mark the date and time…hang a sign… Murr and I might finally agree on something.

Pitman, you do realize you need to bend over to prune right? Your a big man right? Dont give me the ol “weebles wobble…” cause what happens if you fall down?

In seriousness, it’ll be fun,but with the time spent learning, building, some failing etc… its just better to work and buy organic and clean it well… or better yet, grow weed as others suggested.


was actually going to post the same thing till I saw your post.

When the statue of limitations is up I could teach you a thing por 2

Pitman you might be the first person ever to walk into a hydroponic supply store saying “I’m trying to grow some tomatoes”, and actually be talking about growing something other than pot.

yes i read the whole link, do you know what a paraphrase is? it means he never said that and that someone else decided thats what it meant, not jefferson.

made me lol

check out boxersix new post lady form gun rally quotes 1950s newspaper jefferson and you guys arent like omg bitch can you read to her when you were there? why not?

its not really free is it ? when you think of all the costs in growing raising gathering and hunting

Don’t ruin his idealistic fantasies through rose colored lenses where he is a “Freeman” completely self sufficient, away from the government dictatorship burden and living on his own.

While he is sitting in a house build by somebody else, on a computer made across the world, on the Internet which is possible by works of thousands of TimeWarner people, eating food made by others, EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

But yeah “fuck this slavery societal nonsense…”

I read this four times. The third time I laughed out loud and I’m in a room by myself. The fourth time it still didn’t make sense.
