The Pitman Files: Your one stop shop for advice/comments/videos from a moron.

[ame=“”]He sells potato peelers and became a millionaire - YouTube[/ame]

guy sold carrot peelers and random things on the street and is rich.

i wonder if he paid tax on all that cash?

[ame=“”]Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - Gun Control - YouTube[/ame]

good info for both sides

Watched… Amazing points

[ame=“”]Great Depression Cooking - Italian Ice - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“”]Great Depression Cooking - Pizza - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“”]Great Depression Cooking - Fried Mushrooms - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“”]Great Depression Cooking - Baked Apples - YouTube[/ame]

i saw you guys needed some money saving techniques so here they are. from a lady who survived the great depression. people can eat healthy for cheap.

lady is from ny and still living at 97

Been eating apples like that since I was a young buc.

nice they are fucking epic for cheap too.

I want to gently place the tip of my penis on her labia minora.

damnn i thought the old lady would smash the troll in side you. guess not.

[ame=“”]Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism - YouTube[/ame]

alot of weird things happened on this earth.

democratic republic germany before nazi was mass murdering. they were sterilizing people so they could not breed. plus alot more. hear some of darwin and his cousins theories .

if you wear glasses or have a weakness you would be killed or sterilized

lmk what you think if you watch the film

I think you should stop posting and should be sterilized so that you cannot breed.

Not watching…

I think this site is teaching Pitman about social theory…

If you cry wolf over and over and the wolf never comes, eventually people stop listening to you.

Just food for thought but the US was one of the first countries to implement sterilization. All in all we sterilized some 60,000+ people including the mentally disabled, native Americans etc. Look up compulsory sterilization programs in the United States if you feel the need to verify the info.

[ame=“”]Alan Watts - What do you want? - YouTube[/ame]

^ what do you want in life? ^

[ame=“”]Alan Watts - Existence Is Weird - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“”]Alan Watts - The Human Game (1 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“”]Alan Watts - The Human Game (2 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]

watch part 2 d gage if you can see this

this dude is philosophical

damnn thanks for sharing. i never learned that in school

cry wolf?

people will always listen to me. once you meet me in person you will see. i am fighting for peoples rights showing people things. i dont want a guy with a pen, a huge pay check and a suit decide what i eat, shoot, drive etc… you shouldnt either.

some things i post you might not like or you might find it insulting. sorry i cant please everyone. just be glad i am not deciding your fate like some do.

hopefully your family gets agent orange or some side effect

[ame=“”]POLICE BRUTALITY - Cop Kicks Pregnant Woman In The Stomach For Questioning Him - YouTube[/ame]

wow your tax dollars going towards police brutality? 3/22/13

just another example that you cant trust the ones you should be able to trust.

not every cop does this but beware some do.

[ame=“”]Bill Maher on Atheists - YouTube[/ame]

Don’t worry nobody will ever classify you under “factual information” folder.

However you’re all over the “entertainment section”.

If you can’t understand the metaphor above and its reference to you, you’re beyond hope.

