grip is gay

Do you think you’re cool for hitting a guard rail on the street? The fact that you openly admit to drifting…or should I say trying to drift, on Ontario roads makes you a moron.

Circles on a race track is boring eh?

I’m sick of reading BS like this.


grip is gay

So im an idiot and a moron for not wanting to spend upwards of 200$ just to go to a track thats over 3 hours away one way, and to only be on this track for maybe 45m-1h of the hole time im there? and im the moron. And yeah, i “drift” my car on the street all time, fuck iv even done it infront of cops. you know what they say? “be more careful.” keep preachin your dont do it on the street bs. cause you all do it. and if you think this little gaurd rail is gonna stop me or scare me from doing it anymore or my cars wrecked now…its not, infact i did the same turn tonight coming home from work.

Grip Is Gay.

Well lets hope that rail does not become a person or another car. It would be a big same to see someone else get hurt due to someones carelessness.

^ Only good point iv read on this thread.

last track day I had a blast.
and if you want to go balls out.
there was a flat black track FC that did more laps and had more track time than everyone.

that has to be the most utterly stupid thing ive ever read.

i sincerly hope i never have to share the roads with you… and quite honestly cops that say that kind of thing to children such as yourself should really have their badges taken away…

my dad (33 year metro retired detective) always said to me… thankfully you dont want to be a cop, there wouldnt be any more work for us cus your too much of a hardass.

id toss you in jail in 40 seconds flat and turn your car into japanese “art” (read: turn your car into a fucking pancake)

im half temped to pass this quote along to my friends in blue just so you have something to stress about when your “dirifting” your piece of shit.


i wanna be just like you. put me in jail, pancake my car, i’ll be out the next day driving something else/

200 dollars for a track day? Lapping days cost me 75 bucks for 3 hours, of which I usually stay on the track for as long as I can before I need gas again. Off to gas station, back on the track. I’d say I get a good 2 hours of lapping in, if you aren’t sick of lapping after 2 hours and still feel the need to go out on the street and be an idiot, you must be the next super man.

Not to mention, the racing experience you gain on a closed track in an organized environment with other drivers either in a series like Sasha races in or Solo 1 system that runs like time attack.

If you don’t like grip, thats fine. I use to drift a couple years back. Its fun, its a lot more fun on the track. Take that from someone who use to through the occasional slide on the street. There are lots of drifting events every year, actually more than your car will be able to make.

From what I can see, you have an ego problem. Thats fine, just don’t think its cool to drive like a retard on the street. Because it isn’t.

Have a nice day,

man you really are retarded…

you must be young… cus you really have no clue.


Greg can you please ban him? He’s a fucking “drifter” wannabe. He tries too hard to look cool with his red rims on the back and DIY “wangan” spoiler.

And not only is that bad, the fact that he tries so hard to be a street drifter should get him banned.

What a fucking poser.

oh and coop, even IF track days cost $200 (which it doesn’t, unless it’s a super nice track), you still get hours of fun.

Look at your sorry ass now, you had what? .5 seconds of a “drift” and you hit something. That is going to cost you more than $200 to fix. (But since you think it’s cool to have “battle scars” and you’re prolly a cheap bastard, you aren’t going to fix it.

And if a cop had caught you being an idiot, you’d get a fine and possibly lose your license.

Add all that up + the cost of insurance going up and you’ll never be able to attend a track day.

While we’re on the topic of banning, can we conveniently forget to unban ahmed after a month? Or if it’s timed, “accidentally” change it to indefinite? :smiley:

This is the reason I don’t post on forums too much.

Everyone feels they are a badass behind a computer.

At least Matt has enough Balls to own up to it.

As for Grip over drift, I love both.
I’m more of a speed drifter than a SHOW drifter though.
I’ve been gripping for a few years and took that time to learn my lines, breaking points, rev matching, heel toeing, etc.

Because of this, when I do drift, I drift quite fast, pretty tight and my front tires usually hit the APEX.

I do not consider myself to be a Grip Driver or a Drifter.
I just want to be the best driver I can be.

whats the point in fixing a rusted out 17 year old car?.
And yeah, i should be banned for sliding my car around a corner, and trying something different with that wing. sorry i dont buy all the crazy huge dish rims with the big offset and sr20 my car like everyone else wants to do.
In the end, you have a 2ooo$ car that you think is worth 1oooo$

little offset

thank you

i dont know why you guys are arguing about this… everyone has their own preference and motives for doing what they do… let em be…

i havent read any of this thread and likely never will.

thanks for that bing :smiley:

i just wanted to clarify that when i said $200 for a track day (I also said ‘at most’ i believe) I was referring to a day at dunnville ($100 for 6 hours) + gas (at least one tank generally, $60)

thats $160.

if you were to factor in tires and brakes, its up to around the $200 mark realistically… or more perhaps?