grip is gay

You hit the nail right on the head dude! Most guys building drift cars just for status. I understand why some might think grip is gay, but your right when you say that “doing donuts in a parking lot” isn’t drifting.

What’s gay is guys trying to drift on public streets when they don’t have the balls to drift at a local event. Saying grip is gay is just plain ignorant cause you can put down good lap times at a lapping day, don’t diss grip!

I think drag racing is gay! But that’s only when your watching local cars doing 13’s, 14’s & 15 second quarter mile times. When you go a domestic NHRA event and you see 'Top Fuelers" doing 4 sec quarter miles at over 300mph, then you say “Holy Fuck”, that’s insane!

Here is my list of gay!

  • FF drifting
  • drag racing
  • drifting on public roads (with no regard for other traffic)
  • building a drift car with a bunch of JDM show pieces and never entering a local drift event!!!

changed my mind as of tonight. grip/lapping ftw!

Yeeeeee. I think all motorsports are fun. Have not had much personal experience with either. But both are fun. I liek going fast and trying to maintain grip. And I enjoy when you lose the rear and slide. But having gone to many many amatuer drift events, I get bored very fast as a spectator and a passenger. Driving it would be alot of fun I’m sure. However, the same could be said about grip/lapping days. It’s obviously no fun to watch frm the sides, but get in a car, whether pass or driver (obviously more fun to be had as a driver) and you will most likely enjoy that rush of speed and adrenaline just the same as whipping out the rear end and countersteering.

I don’t really see a huge difference. It’s more about personal taste, as previously mentioned by others. But I don’t see why some of you are ACTUALLY argueing. This thread is a joke. Whoever takes this crap to heart needs a reality check. Sorry to say it.

My opinion. SUCK IT!

holy fuckin shit nuggets batman what hte hell went down?

He tried drifting and was unsuccessful.



oh yeah
white too?

i dont think they paint gaurd rails white, it was a steel colour.
And yeah, rather have damage from the street then going around in circles on a track…

where that happen ???

Call me

hey…you have a fender dont you?

atleast the lip stayed on lol

P.S. screw fixing it just hit another rail on the other side and make it look the same then ull be baller

battle scars

if its just appearance leave it

good to know your alright tho

u asked for it here is my grip car

The dents on a 240sx aren’t just dents, they are known as “battle scars” while drifting

I’ve got a few battle scars, but they’re mainly from drunk people, parking lots and cops.

ok i see parking lots drunks. but cops?

only DS

wow dude, you’re such an idiot.
